Chapter One

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Greenwood has been my home for two months now. I had heard all the strange stories from locals and the forest surrounding the town was often filled with the howls of wolves at night but despite all that for the first time in my life I felt truly settled and content.

'Morning Joe,' I called as I strolled into the coffee shop.

The elderly baker lifted his head up from behind the pages of a book and smiled at me.

'Ah my dear June how are you this morning?'

'I'll be better once I get some coffee into me,' I said as I wrapped my apron around my waist and stepped behind the coffee machine. Joe simply laughed and returned to his book. He was the most kind hearted soul and had given me a job the same day I had come in asking if he was hiring.

With a vanilla latte warming my hands and my soul I was now better prepared to take on the day and the customers that would come with it.

The day went rather quickly and the flow of customers started to die down. Just as I was getting ready to balance the till and close, three boisterous men came crashing through the doorway.

'Guys, you know it's almost closing time. Why do you always do this to me?' I groaned as I walked towards them to take orders.

'Oh come on Juniper we know we're the highlight of your whole week,' Micheal winked at me as he spoke. I rolled my eyes and scribbled their orders down as they fired them at me.

Micheal, Raph and Dylan were from the gated community somewhere deep in the forest. The townspeople believed it to be some kind of cult and claimed that there was something wrong with those that lived there. The guys always seemed well adjusted to me though. They came in to the coffee shop every Friday afternoon minutes before closing time. Joe teases that one of them must fancy me as they only started the weekly ritual since I started working here. I don't believe him though because if it were true you'd think one of them would have asked me out already. I mean it doesn't take weeks of pestering a girl at work to muster up the nerve to ask her out.

'Hey June guess what?' Dylan called out as I walked back over to them with their coffees and muffins on a tray. 'My wayward brother is finally coming home!'

'Yeah after two years of travelling he realised Greenwood truly does have everything he needs,' Micheal chuckled while Raph just grinned at me in an almost creepy manner.

'Oh great another one of you idiots to come and annoy me,' I laughed.

Raph slurped his coffee loudly and then declared, 'You really do make the best coffee though Juniper! That's why we annoy you.'

Once they had finished they cleared and wiped the tables and swept the floor while I balanced the till. It had become our own little ritual. We walked outside and I locked the door behind me.

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