chapter 5

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"Tyler, you realize that I can't leave." I said as he reached out to grab my hand with his keys in his hand. Josh, who was still sitting with his legs criss-crossed on my bed, threw his head back and laughed hysterically.

"Oh." Tyler said in realization. He walked over and sat on the couch with a huff. "I just want to go to Taco Bell." He whined.

"You do know you can go over there and bring food back, right?" Josh said, trying to hold back laughter.

"Yeah well-"

Tyler was interrupted by a tall man in a white coat and a tool that I couldn't remember the name of hung around his neck. He walked in briskly, a smile plastered on his face.

"Hey there..." He looked at the clipboard in his hand, "Lila. My name is Dr. Frane, how are you today?" He spoke with an over-enthusiastic voice. A nurse walked in and started to check my vitals and the IVs running into my arms. Josh, feeling like he was in the way, climbed off the hospital bed, joining Tyler on the couch.

I shrugged. "I'm good, besides the excruciating pain in my stomach and shoulder, but I'm perfectly fine." I said, my voice practically dripping with sarcasm. I could hear Tyler let out a muffled snort, and trying, but failing, to cover it up with a cough.

The doctor's smile faltered, but he regained his composure quickly. "Well, we can always prescribe you some painkillers that would help ease the pain."

"Sounds good." I said, rather bluntly.

The nurse smiled at my remarks. She finished checking everything, and walked out of the room without saying a word.

"Uhh, I hate to interrupt, but when can she go home?" Josh said quitely, trying to be somewhat a part of the conversation.

"Well, it'll be a few days, since we need to run some tests, to make sure she's stable. Both physically and...mentally." Dr. Frane said hesitantly.

What did he mean "mentally?" Did the shots affect some part of my brain? Was I now somewhat stupider? Would I be able to function on a normal basis? What if I can't go back to school because of it? What if people judge me for it? What if? What if? What if?

The doctor's words made the room fall into an uncomfortable silence, it was so quiet, that, despite the hum of the machines in the room, you could hear a pin drop.

I heard Josh shift on the couch, his gaze traveling to the floor. Tyler's eyes flashed with a hint of anger, his jaw was slightly clenched. He stared at the doctor with such intensity, that it was intimidating. I shifted on the bed, trying not to disrupt the adults, but I let out a small cry at the sharp pain. Everyone's eyes turned towards me.

"O-ok, sounds like a deal." I said quickly, trying to break the tension in the air. But it still hung there, as tight as a rope in a tug-of-war.Everyone took their eyes off of me, everyone except Josh, who gave me a look that said "are you alright?" I nodded slightly at him, and he nodded back, understanding what I meant.

"Very well. Does anyone have any questions? Comments?" The doctor said as he clicked his pen and wrote down stuff on his clipboard.

"I do." Tyler spoke up, "Could I take her to get something to eat?"

The doctor sighed, "Unfortunately, no, but you can always bring her food. Anything else?" No one answered, "No? Alright, have a good day." He walked out of the room, the door shutting with a click behind him.

Tyler let out an angry sigh and rubbed his eyes harshly. "Mentally? Really? He could've just stopped at physically. Does he really know that it can be triggering for some people when he says that?" He shook his head.

"Well, on the bright side, at least he didn't go into any details?" I said more of a question than a sentence.

Josh stood up, and grabbed the keys for their rental car, according to Josh.

"Tyler, you should let yourself calm down, I don't think anybody would appreciate an angry Tyler Joseph storming into Taco Bell. Besides, I can tell you're stressed, and if you ran into any fans, that wouldn't turn out so great." Josh said as he walked towards the door. He only nodded.

Tyler took his hands off his face, letting then fall into his lap. He moved his gaze to meet my eyes. The pools of dark brown held so much emotion behind them, and my heart sank at the painful look he was giving me. I turned away, before it became too much.

He sighed and stood up from the couch, and walked over to me. Without out a word, he put his hand on my unharmed shoulder and looked me in the eyes, his were filled with tears, and my eyes began time blur. Suddenly, he pulled me into a hug.

"I'm so sorry Tyler." I whispered. He just squeezed me tighter, as much as he could without hurting me. I felt his shoulders shaking, and my stomach twisted with guilt. Then, he started to tremble, and breathe heavily while letting out a few sobs.

"I'm so sorry Lila, I'm so sorry I let this happen to you." Tyler cried out. I squeezed my eyes shut as tears began to leak out of my eyes.

Tyler began to hyperventilate, he broke the hug, and his eyes grew wide as he began to struggle to breathe. "A-attack, Lila, help me I'm having a panic attack or anxiety attack, I don't know, just please help me." He started to shake his hands, and head violently, as if he could rid if the panicking.

Shocked by Tyler's outburst, I tried to think of ways to calm him down. I remembered something from health class that showed what to do if someone was experiencing this kind of thing. At the time I didn't think that I would ever need it, but I guess I was wrong.

"Ok Tyler, what are five things you can see?"

Tyler gave me a questionable look, but complied anyways, "Um you, uhh the bed, the tree outside the window, the metal studs on the leather couch, and the blanket Josh used last night."

"Good, now four things you can touch."

"The bed, you, the table, and my jacket." Tyler had started to calm down a little.

"Perfect, now three things you can hear." I spoke calmly.

"The machines, the air conditioning, my breathing."

"You're doing great Tyler, now two things you can taste." I was starting to sound like a therapist.

Tyler nodded his head "My tears, and coffee from earlier."

"Almost done, one thing you can smell."

"The sterile smell of the hospital." Tyler said rather coldly.

"Okay Tyler I'm going to need you to look at me." He did. I grabbed his wrist and he tensed up, and I stopped. He then relaxed and I brought his hand to my chest. "Now breathe with me, in, and out, in and out." Tyler followed suit.

"Do you want to join me on the bed?" I asked. He nodded and I scooted over. When he was comfortable enough, I layed my head down on his chest, his now steady heart beat calming me.

"Now the night is coming to an end, ooh ooh oh oh ooh." I began to sing. I saw Tyler smile slightly. "The sun will rise, and we will try again, ooh ooh oh oh ooh. Stay alive, stay alive for me." I paused, "You will die, but now your life is free take pride in what is sure to die." This time, Tyler joined in with me, "I will fear the night again, ooh ooh oh oh ooh. I hope I'm not my only fren, ooh ooh oh oh ooh." Tyler stopped singing and had a content smile on his face as I finished the song, "Stay alive, stay alive for me. You will die, but now your life is free. Take pride in what is sure. To. Die."

There was a few moments of silence. Then Tyler took a deep breath in.

"We should probably tell you parents that you're awake."

I nodded. This is going to be fun. I thought.
• • • •

Uh oh, Tyler snapped. I hoped you enjoy this chapter. I'm sorry if this story seems really long, but I want to drag it out as much as I can, so when I'm done with it, people have something long to read. I hope you guys are having a good day/night.

As always: stay alive frens, it's worth it, i promise ||-//


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