part 2

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it was a few days after what happened at alex's house, but vereena and alex had just been a bit shy around each, always smiling and blushing.

tonight they had planned a second date, but vereena didn't know where.

"just get dressed up," was all he said. "and i'll see you there."

after she got ready, she just sat there, wondering about their "relationship." she couldn't believe how lucky she was, that her crush liked her back. after the kiss, they made out a little, then they just talked.

talked and talked and talked, about how they got to liking each other. they decided to keep things private, and not tell their fans yet.

in the distance, she could already notice the car of her love. she remembered it because of that night. she smiled so big.


as alex pulled up, his jaw dropped. vereena wore a black cocktail dress that accentuated her curves, with red lipstick, a golden ring, and of course, hairclips.

he opened his door, took her hand, and spun her around. after he spun her, he kissed her on her forehead. vereena smiled, then alex lead her to the passenger seat.

once alex got in the car, vereena was full of questions.

"where are we going?"

"you'll see."

"have i been there?"

i don't think so."

now that she knew she hadn't been there, it would be harder to guess, but she just decided to find out when they would arrive.

"we're almost there, so put on this blinfold, okay?"


vereena covered her eyes, then tightened the blindfold.

the next few roads were a bit bumpy, then the car stopped altogether.

"you ready?"

"i guess."

she heard the opening and closing of car doors then felt a hand on her arm.
"come with me," he said.

he took her hand and then tried to steady her. he smiled from ear to ear because he was so excited about what was gonna happen. he had planned everything, even something very bold.

he took her over to a deck, then unfolded her blindfold. she was shocked to find that it was a canoe!

"alex, oh my god!"

"do you like it?"

"of course! i love it!"

he held her hand to steady her onto the boat. she was surprised to find a picnic basket hidden under a picnic blanket. she opened it and saw an array of sandwiches and other delicious foods.

alex climbed in with her, and got the paddle and started going at it.

"we are gonna go to the other side of the lake, where there's a hill. and we're gonna have a picnic. that's what this is for," he said as he picked up the picnic basket.

"this is," vereena said. she was so surprised. it was all so romantic.

they then shared an endearing kiss, then went away.


after about half an hour of paddling through the scenic route, they were able to see the hill that alex was talking about.

"we're almost to our destination, my love," he said.

they stopped at the edge of the hill, then alex got off the canoe and helped vereena out as she carried the picnic basket and blanket with her.

"here, i'll take it for you. don't want you to tire your perfect self," alex said.

"oh, stop."


alex laid down the blanket, then they both sat down. they ate a few sandwiches and fruit, then just talked. vereena was still admiring the beauty of it all, wondering how he was able to pull this all off.

"how'd you pull this all off?"

"i have my ways. don't worry about it, beautiful."

it was starting to get dark, and alex and vereena cuddled up against each other, alex wrapping his warm arms around vereena.

"here, take my jacket," he said. he took it off, then put it around her arms. "thank you," she said, still smiling and blushing.

a few minutes later, there was a burst of color in the air, and then a thunderous clap. vereena realized it was fireworks!

"you got fireworks?" vereena asked in amazement.

"why not?" he answered.

they watched the colorful and loud show. the last fireworks seemed to be words. they seemed to be "vereena will you be..."

"my girlfriend."

vereena stared at the sky, noticing alex was looking at her, expecting her to answer.

she was speechless.

she didn't know what to say.

but she knew the answer.

yes. utterly, yes.


"REALLY?!" alex jumped up in surprise he was bursting of excitement. he couldn't believe it! he asked out his crush, and she said YES!

vereena finally looked at him, blushed, and smiled.



                 TO BE CONTINUED...

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