As soon as she stepped into the bakery, she was faced with an unusually large crowd.

She maneuvered past the bustling bodies to get to the back room, and once there, she immediately got to work. The sudden increase in customers kept her busy in the back; she was constantly mixing, baking and refilling sweet and savoury goods.

When she finally had time to glance at the clock on the wall, to her surprise, her shift had almost come to an end. Letting out a tired breath, she hurriedly cleaned up the prep room and threw her coat over her outfit once finished.

After yelling out bye to Lorelei, she took a seat on the steps just outside the shop to wait for Damien. It wasn't too cold to be outside, in fact she enjoyed the crisp fall air. While the bakery was always filled with all sorts of delicious smells, it was nice to inhale and not always taste something sweet.

Mia played on her phone as she waited, her eyes occasionally flickering up to catch sight of the familiar vehicle.

After twenty minutes passed, she furrowed her brows and sent another text to Damien, adding to the 3 others that asked when he was coming. The cold air was no longer refreshing but now discomforting as she shivered into her coat. Lorelei had locked up just a few minutes ago so there was no use in seeking refuge inside the warm bakery.

Another twenty minutes passed, and Mia began to grow worried at Damien's absence. He always remembered to pick her up after work. This was unusual.

Reluctantly she stood from the steps and stuffed her hands in her pocket as she started to walk home. It was late now, much later than she liked to be walking. Obsidian black blanketed the sky and Mia tried to hide in its shadows as she walked along the sidewalk.

She was ten minutes into her walk when she heard loud laughter on the opposite sidewalk. Startled, she began to walk faster to bypass the loud group, however, her blonde wisps caught the attention of the men and she was no longer hidden.

The laughter got louder the closer they approached and eventually they had Mia cornered against a brick wall.

"What do we have here", One man spoke. He had silver grills lining his teeth with tattoos scrawled on his forehead. "Little girl got lost on the way home hmm?"

The same man pouted mockingly and pushed one of Mia's strands behind her ear causing her to flinch.

"Yo we have to make it to 22nd Street by 9", another guy interrupted. He had a pair of black radiators placed over his eyes despite the time of day.

"Don't worry about that, this'll be quick." Grills spoke again, now pressing his body against Mia's small frame.

Throughout the whole interaction Mia was frozen in place and shaking in fear. Her mouth finally opened to cry out when the tall man forced his body against hers.

She didn't like the man's touch on her skin. Not at all.

Why did bad things always happen to her?

She sobbed as they laughed, and she wished more than anything that Damien was here. Damien was supposed to be here.

"Damien!" Mia called through her cries. It was a pitiful plea that was swallowed into the night, but it was also an anger-filled one. Damien was supposed to be here.

"Quiet bitch" Grills snapped. Although he jumped back once he fully processed the name that came from her mouth.

"Damien? Damien Kirst? You know Damien Kirst?"

Mia nodded frantically and slid down the rough wall that was supporting her weight. She curled herself in a ball as fat tears rolled down her flushed skin.

Damien ✔️Where stories live. Discover now