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"alright guys?" I asked Jasper and Daisy as they got into my car

"yeah I'm so excited for tonight I haven't gone to an away game in ages!" Jasper exclaimed

"I think we're gonna have to sit in the box tonight though I'm not feeling good enough to sit in the crowd" I explained to them

"that's alright you are super pregnant" Daisy chuckled

"thanks for reminding me Dais" I said sarcastically 

"Luce are you sure you're okay?" Jasper asked concerned as he saw me grimace in pain

"yeah I've just got some pain in my tummy, but I'll be fine" I smiled

"I don't think you are sis, I'm gonna call my mum" Daisy said

"no no, you don't need to do that!" I exclaimed

"too late" she giggled

"what's too late?" Kirsty asked from down the phone

"Kirst don't worry the kids are just overreacting" I called out

"no we're not, mum Lucy's tummy's really hurting her" Jasper explained

"right Luce, you can never be too safe when you're pregnant so why don't you turn back around and I'll get Louie to take the kids to the match and I'll take you to the doctors" Kirsty told us

"okay I'm turning around, but let's not tell Jesse I don't want him to worry for no reason before the match, especially when it's Liverpool" I said


"right so there's nothing to worry about" the doctor said

"see I told you it's just braxton hicks" I chuckled to Kirsty

"well that's not actually what's happening either" the doctor explained "congratulations, you're in labour"

"what! But my waters haven't broken and I'm only 35 weeks!" I shouted

"well the little guys eager to meet you, you're already 3 centimetres dilated" the doctor smiled

"oh my god right we've gotta call Jesse and get him to the hospital right now, and your parents wow why is nobody in Manchester today!" Kirsty panicked

"are you sure we have to call Jess, his games just about to start I don't want him to miss it" I sighed

"Lucy are you crazy he'd never forgive himself if he missed the birth of his first child!" Kirsty exclaimed

"right I'll call Ole" I said picking up my phone

"what's up Lucy I'm just about to chat to the lads before the match" Ole said distracted

"I'm so sorry but I think you're gonna have to change the line up" I said nervously 

"what are you talking about girl?" he asked confused

"turns out I'm in labour" I chuckled

"oh my god right, JESSE!" he shouted

"what's wrong gaffer?" I heard Jesse ask from the background

"Lucy's in labour" Ole announced

"shit wow okay that's early, um okay agh I can go right?" Jesse asked panicked

"yes of course, go quick!" Ole laughed "good luck Lucy, I'll speak to you later" Ole said

"thank you so much, I'll see you soon" I said before hanging up

"thank you so much, I'll see you soon" I said before hanging up

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Liked by marcusrashford and 675,912 others

manchesterunited LAST MINUTE CHANGE! ⬅️Lingard Sanchez➡️ United have had to make a change of starting line up against Liverpool, 20 minutes before kick off due to Lingard's wife @lucylingard_ going into labour. Good luck to the parents-to-be from all of us as United❤️

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jesselingard let's hope I can make it in time🤭

- lucylingard_ don't worry the midwife says it'll be a couple hours😴

"don't worry I'm here, you can have him now" Jesse laughed as he ran into the room

"chill babe I'm only 5 centimetres dilated" I chuckled

"how are you feeling, do you need anything?" he asked

"no I wanted my mum to get here in time, but it looks like she'll just miss it, she could only get a flight leaving at 9 and it's 7.30 now" I sighed

"I'm sorry Luce but once again you were right, he's not gonna be late" Jesse smiled

"thank god for that" I laughed "now go find your mum, she's grabbing coffee"


"I can't believe how amazing you're doing babe" Jesse said trying to calm me down

"Jess I love you but I just wanna focus on not dying from the pain" I chuckled

"okay, squeeze on my hand whenever you feel a contraction" he said giving me his hand

"that's probably not the best idea, it's time to push so we need you to hold your legs Lucy" the midwife said

"aghhhh!" I screamed as I pushed for around 15 minutes

"oh my god, you did it!" Jesse exclaimed as our baby was placed on my chest

"hello my gorgeous little man" I cried holding onto him

"do you wanna cut the umbilical cord?" a doctor asked Jesse

"of course" he smiled while cutting it

"wait no please don't take him" I sobbed as the midwife took him away after a couple minutes of us just cuddling him

"babe don't worry I'll go watch him get cleaned up and mum will stay with you" Jesse kissed my forehead

"I'm so proud of you Luce" Kirsty said holding my hand while to doctor fixed me up

England's Girl ~ Jesse LingardWhere stories live. Discover now