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Jin is always caring for Yuna like, all the time. He feeds her, gets her clothes ready, irons it, washes it. Jin is like the 2nd mother of Yuna. It is rumoured that Jin and Yuna mom are close. People find it cute when Jin always puts you first.

 People find it cute when Jin always puts you first

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Yoongi is like the overprotective brother of Yuna, he glared at boys who look at Yuna's way.
He is also the one who does stupid things with you.
- Sneaking out, wait for me
-Sabotage.....so what's the plan
- about to break something, let's do it together.


Hoseok always makes you laugh, he is sad when your sad, cries where. You cry. He always wants you happy, he will do anything and I mean anything to make you happy.

 He always wants you happy, he will do anything and I mean anything to make you happy

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Then there is Namjoon,the caring father. Always wants you to study, and makes rules for you that you don't follow thanks to Eomma and Yoongi.
He cares about your grades a lot, so he encourages you to study more. And always espect you to get full points ( he reminds me of someone
You don't know oh, my grandparents)

 And always espect you to get full points ( he reminds me of someoneYou don't know oh, my grandparents)

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Childhood friends, you guys love each others so much(family way) some say too much. You guys are like brothers and sisters always pranking each other, and embarrassing each other with childhood stories. Nothing special. Just joking our relationship is special.

 Just joking our relationship is special

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Tae....Yuna, weird mix up.
No I mean Srsly when these too are together the get to a hole new level,of weridness that science can't explain.
They r soo~ cute together, and they have this secret code that nobody gets and that makes ARMIES curious. So they guess

 So they guess

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These two maknaes, make a wonderful duo. They simply good at everything. And sometimes Tae gets into their head( ding dong). These too duo are really popular..... Gold and Diamond.... shining amongst them all.
Oh did I forgot to tell you Jungkook gets really jealous when Yuna is not putting her attention on him. It's nothing bye.

 It's nothing bye

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BTS 8th memberHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin