part 1

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alex was a bit nervous when he first dialed for vereena's phone number on his computer, but he wanted to see her so bad. he had had a crush on her since they first met. he was biting his nails, hoping she would respond.

"hey alex!" vereena said as her face filled the screen. he smiled with relief, slightly blushing. "hey, i haven't seen you in a while," he said. she laughed, making him smile from ear to ear.

"let's hang out, just you and me," he said with confidence. vereena looked to be thinking about it.

"sure. where should we go?" she asked.

"chick-fil-a, then my house. my parents aren't back from their trip yet," he responded.

"cool. let me get ready first," she said.

she hung up, and then she went to go get ready.

she sighed, wishing alex liked her back. she decided to wear something a little more showy, like her white mesh tank top. she wanted this to be the night where she made the first move, and finally admit to him what she felt.

"carlos, she said yes!" alex said. "on god, this might be your chance!" carlos said.

"but i don't know what to wear. can you help me dude?" alex asked him.

"yeah, yeah, what do you have?"


vereena waited on her porch steps for alex to come, but he seemed like a no show. she sighed, then just as she stood up, she saw carlights coming into her driveway.

alex pulled down his windows and said "hey!" he got out of the car, opened the passenger door, then let vereena get inside.

after he closed the door, vereena blushed at his gentlelike manner.

"nice to see you," alex said as he looked her down and tried to stop his gasp. she looked so hot in that tank top and those cargo pants. his heart sped up, wondering if maybe she did feel the same.

she noticed that alex looked surprised, and even seemed to be blushing, even though she couldn't see that well in the dark.


after getting chick-fil-a, they went to alex's house. they were a bit silent most of the time, but they did talk a bit. alex complimented her outfit, and she did it back.

eventually, they were in his driveway. alex once again got out to open her door, but in the time between, vereena opened the mirror at the roof of the car and turned her flashlight on to see if she looked fine. she did.

he opened the house door, then let vereena go first like a gentlemen, then went inside.

"wow! i like your house!" she said. it was the first time she'd seen it, and she was a bit amazed.

"here, let's get our food and watch a movie," alex said. she nodded, then followed him to his kitchen as he then proceded to go to his living room and turn on netflix. he asked her which movie she wanted to watch, then saw the description of it. it was about 2 BESTFRIENDS falling in LOVE. he wondered if she really DID feel the same way he felt about her, but all he could do was wonder.

after vereena got all the food, she heard alex playing the movie already, and quickly walked to the coffee table to set the food down.

they ate for the majority of the movie, but when they finished they just sat back, feeling satisfied. vereena wondered what he was thinking, wondering when she should try to do anything. she had watched several "how to know if your crush likes you" videos, but alex didn't seem to display anything.

she then started to lose hope just as alex yawned and seemed to be putting his arm around her shoulders. she sat their shocked, confused, and happy all at the same time.

the movie finally finished when vereena was thinking of ways to make her move.

"that actually was not bad," he said, then smiled. her heart began to flutter as she smiled back.

they stared at each other for a good 5 seconds, then alex seemed to be getting closer and closer. one hand brushed away her hair and fell to her cheek, and the other wrapped around her waist.

her heart sped up and her stomach filled with butterflies as he kissed her so lovingly. it felt so good.

he didn't think she would kiss back, but she did. right when their lips touched, he instantly knew she did, she really did, feel the exact same way. he didn't want to stop, ever really. it was the best kiss he had ever had.

but it did have to end, sadly. both of them didn't want to pull away, as it was so passionate. "i've liked you for a while, and-" they said in unison. both their eyes lit up. "i liked you since the day i met you," alex said. vereena smiled and said " me too."

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