A True Friend

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Yesterday I found out who I am and what I've done since being born into this world. Today I will start living this life I was told about. The only people who know about my amnesia are my parents, my home-class teacher and allegedly my closest friends. It will be interesting to meet these 6 persons.

My dad drives me to Shutoku high school: "Have fun today and don't worry too much about fitting in, okay? I and mama are sure that some things will come back to you," my father says.
"I will give my best," I promise him, "have a good day, father."
"Please, call me papa. It may trigger some memories and I kinda like being called that," father suggests.
"Alright, goodbye, papa."
He drives off. Here we go then.

The school looks prestigious, I researched it late last night and it is said to have a high educational standard, so I take that means I am more intelligent than a 'normal' civilian. As I step in from the main entrance I am immediately greeted by physical contact by a black-haired person. It feels much like when mother tried to squeeze me breathless I think while working on releasing myself from this death-grip.
"Man, it's so good to see you! Teach told us that you have amnesia and that you'd need our help!" The person exclaimed.
He pushed me back a little as to check on me: "But you look absolutely normal to me! Wait... you don't have that usual arrogant look in your eyes. Then you must've really hit your head hard!" The person kept speculating.
"I'm sorry to interrupt your monologue, but could you release me?" I say, hoping to ease my discomfort.
"Oh, it's definitely still you! You don't lose your snappy remarks even when you've lost all memories," he said.
So I'm a smartass, is this what you're trying to say?
He finally let go of me and I put some distance between us.
"So, who are you exactly and what kind of relationship do you have with me?" I ask.
"Oh, right! Hahaha! I already forgot! I'm Takao, Kazunari Takao. And as of our relationship... I'd say we're friends, but, like, really good friends," Takao states proudly.
Huh, guess I'm popular.
"Alright, thank you. And who is your friend over there, Takao?" I nod my head in the direction where a tall green-headed guy stands, leaning against a pillar.
"Oi, Shin-chan! Come over here!" Takao yells across the vestibule.
Shin-chan...? What kind of a nickname is that?
The grouchy figure starts moving toward us. He is indeed tall and quite lean I must confess. He has some muscles and long fingers. His left-hand fingers are taped. What catches the eye is his hair - it's green, but it fits him and goes well with his green eyes, which are brought to attention by the glasses he is wearing. That is all I can say about him after a quick glance.
He stands in front of me now, burning a hole through me with his unwavering gaze.
"How come you just went and lost all your memories?" He growls in a low voice.
"I don't think it was my intention to hurt you, but I can't say anything certain at this point," I explain, "or did I have any reason to be hostile toward you?"
"Tch, still the same, even with amnesia," he answers.
Wait, is that sadness I hear in his voice?
"May I be curious and ask who you are what is your relation to me?" I ask.
"My name is Shintaro Midorima and I am your... we are close, that's all," he corrects himself, as though he doesn't want to say the word 'friend' out loud.
"Shin-chan, why are you being so modest? You two are best friends!" Takao tells him.
"None of your business!" Midorima mumbles, fixing his glasses and turning his head away to hide the blush.
"Ahaha, don't mind him, Leo-kun, he's just our Shin-chan," Takao states in a somewhat nostalgic manner.
"Did you just call me Leo..kun? And what do you mean by 'our' Midorima?" I ask.
"Yes, you are Leo-kun and we two and Shin-chan are all very close and we aren't embarrassed to show it, aren't we, Shin-chan?" Takao tells the last part a little louder so Midorima can hear his sarcastic remark.
"Hmph, whatever, Takao. Anyways, Leo, the first class is starting, let's go," Midorima says over his shoulder and starts heading toward the classroom.

The students are noisy and they are many. Please stay away from me and be noisy over there, away from me. 
"Is it always so loud?" I ask Takao.
"Yeah, you always hated it," he replies, raising his voice to be heard over the chatting and laughing.
Midorima leans over to say something in my ear: "Come, there's your desk."
I follow him through the crowd to the corner of the room where there are three empty seats waiting for us.
The bell rings and all conversations are cut and the groups scatter. The teacher comes in as all rise up, I follow suit.
"Good morning, teacher!" The class says in unison.
"Good morning, class," the teacher replies, sounding rather tired.
"Alright, checking names now: Asahina?"
This continues for a while until it's my turn.
"Ah, I see you are well now. I hope you will study up on all the material you missed while you were sick," the teacher states.
Uh-oh, I have no idea what I have been learning in this class previously. I think I still know all that I have studied, but I can't seem to remember what exactly I did in this particular class, or any other class actually.

I spend the day following around Takao and Midorima, I'm glad that we go to the same class. The situation was as promised, no one, except the home-class teacher, Takao and Midorima, knows that I have amnesia. To be honest, the other students didn't even seem to notice. Takao said that was because I had always been a sarcastic smart-ass loner but I don't think he meant anything by. I have now met two of my closest friends and I quite like them. Takao is lively and acts a bit silly, but he's also intelligent and considerate. He gave his best today to make me feel well and I appreciate that. Midorima is the opposite of Takao, personality-wise, he's quiet and brutally honest. He's introverted and doesn't get along with almost anybody, but behind his emotional barrier, he can be kind and modest. He puts his friends above all else and shows affection through 'tough love'. I can see why I got along with these two so well in the past and I hope to continue doing so in the future.

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