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Keith breathed in. The vampire still with his fangs in his neck. "L-Lance?"

"Hmm." Lance replied, as he snapped out of his train of thought.

"You almost d-done?" Keith was getting light-headed. He really didn't want to pass out in front of Lance. Let alone on top of him.

"Oh, yeah. Sure." Lance slowly retracted his fangs. Keith digging his nails into Lance's back, as the boy didn't warn him he was doing it.

Lance pulled back, and wiped his mouth. He looked down at Keith's neck. Two huge fang marks drilling holes into the small boy's neck.

Lance licked the rest of the blood off Keith's neck, and looked at the boy.

Keith's face was pale, and his eyes droopy. Keith weakly smiled as Lance looked at him. Both of them still in the same position they were in to start.

"You took a long time." Keith spoke in Lance's brain. Lance smirked as an reply popped into his head. One that was surely to make Keith blush.

"Not my fault you taste good." He said. Keith's face flushed as he looked away from the boy who made the comment.

"Shut up. You can't be serious?" Keith didn't look back at the boy.

"I am serious. You have the best blood I've ever had. It was almost like a love drug or something." Lance continued to embarrass the younger boy with his complements which he fully meant.

He did think Keith tasted good. His blood was like a love drug, and Lance needed more. His vampire self just wanted to keep drinking, but his sane self told him that this was his friend. He needed to not drink all his blood or he would die.

"You look tired. You should get some rest." Lance noticed Keith yawn. Keith turned back to the older boy, who he was still sitting on.

"I'm not tired. Just lacking energy." Keith smirked.

"Yeah real're just too cute." Lance froze at his words. Keith stared at Lance, his face flushed with bright red.

"You think I'm cute...?"

"Um yeah...I do." Lance's became redder by the second. His face inching closer to Keith's.

"I think you're cute too." Keith shifted his body to get closer to Lance. He was already sitting on him so it was relatively easy.

"Really?" Lance looked at Keith's violet eyes. With each second they got closer and closer.

"Yeah...I do. I really like you." Their faces now centimeters apart. They both could feel the other's hot breath. Keith's eyes fluttered closed. Lance leaving his open to look at the boy who was so close.

"I like you too, Keith." He shut his eyes and closed the space.

Their lips colliding in a passionate and loving kiss. One that shared both of the boy's emotions into one action. All the worry they had for each other when they were apart...gone.

Keith pulled back gasping for air. He was human after all and needed oxygen not like Lance who could go for hours without taking a breath.

Keith smiled at Lance. Lance smiled back, but soon his face furrowed. "What?" Keith asked, as he looked around the room. Lance brought his hand up to the boy's face, and wiped away a drop of blood from his mouth.

"You had blood on your mouth." He said, as Keith just stared at him. 

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