Chapter 1:

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It started off being a normal Sunday morning, church in the morning, breakfast at Denny's with my mom and dad, then back home when I normally finished my left over homework from the week, but today was different.

"Please tell me I heard you wrong?" I ask my parents confused at breakfast.

"It's only for a few months" my mom says, and my jaw is just wide open, in shock.

"So let me get this straight, it's my senior year, and you two just decided it was a good idea to go sailing across the world, out of the blue, and leave me staying home alone for months at a time." I say trying to just make sure I heard them right.

"Well you have half of that equation right." My dad adds.

"you will be staying with the Simons while we are away." My mom slowly says, she knows I never got along with that family, more like there son, the bad boy of the school, but my mom and his mom has been friends since they were in high school, I think they thought the two of there kids would be best friends, but it is the opposite of best friends.

"Are you kidding me! You want me to stay with Noah Simon for how many months, who thought this was a good idea." I ask in frustration.

"We did, I know this is sudden Jenna, but we leave next week, it was a last minute trip, but your mother and I have been planning this trip for years, and now it's finally happening, so please try and be ok with this." My dad says and I just nod in agreement, even though deep down I am a hot mess, this is going to be the worst last year of high school ever.


I'm almost finished packing for my long stay at the Simons, witch even though it's been a week since I found out I was moving, I'm still not ok with it, but I'm trying to put on a positive face for my parents since I know they are exited bout this trip and I don't want them to worry about me while they are gone.

"Jenna let's go or we are going to be late for are flight." My mom yells from down the stairs, and I take one last good look at my room before I take my bags downstairs.

On the bright side, the Simmons live close so if I need anything I can just come back here and pick it up.

"Are you ready Jenna?"My dad ask, and I just nod in agreement.

My dad takes my bags and packs them in the back seat of our car, and we head off to the Simmons, My home for the next 6 months, 6 long months with out my parents or my own home or room to stay in, but there is nothing I can do because I am only 16 years old so I can't stay home alone for that long at a time.

We pull up to there house which is larger then I expected it to be, I never really been here before when ever my mom and Mrs. Simmon see each other it's always out or at or place, but I never really even thought of them being rich, but from the outside of there house I can tell they have some money.

We are treated by Mr. And Mrs. Simmon when we got out of the car.

"Jenna look at your prettier then ever and so grown up, we are so happy you care staying with us, come inside I'll show you your room." I follow her into the house and can't believe how big this place is, modern kitchen, huge living room, movie theater and pool in the back yard. My parents follow us as well.

"Well this is it what do you think?" She ask and I take a look around, and it's huge, pink walls, which I hate pink, but I'll live with it, and a huge bed bigger then what I have back at home, computer on the desk by the window, this is sure not what I was expecting.

"This is great thanks for letting me stay here for such a long time." I ay just trying to be polite, not really knowing what to say.

"Well Jenna we better get going, have a good senior year, and be good to them ok, we won't have cell service very often only when we are on land, so we apologize in advance if we can't speak to you as much as we would like." My mom says with a tear coming down her check.

I hug both my mom and dad and watch them as they get into their car and drive off and leaving me here for the next 6 months.

As my parents drive off someone else's drives in on a motorcycle he pulls up right next to me and stops, and pulls off his helping revealing. Noah Simmons, the bad boy, the boy I will be living with, and the boy who looks pretty dang good in a leather jacket.

I look away, did I just really think that, get a grip Jenna.

"Jenna, right? I'm Noah." He says while checking me out which grosses me out.

"Noah, we have meet, serval times remember."

"Nope, don't recall." He says and walks away, just like that.

I follow him inside since I really have no other place to go right now.

"Why are you following me into MY house." He asks, does he really not know.

"I'm living here now, for the next 6 months, you didn't know?" I ask him.

Now he just looks pissed, like really pissed off.

I guess he didn't know.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2019 ⏰

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