Light Em' Up

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A/N Hey there meh lil midgets! That's what I'm calling you guys now. Anyway, I just wanted to apologize if there were any readers out there hating on me for the death of Magenta. I just wanted to put a little drama for later on. Remember what the fire said ;)

Jenette's POV

This morning, I nearly passed out.

   You know that feeling when you wake up and for a few seconds you remember nothing from the previous day? My precious few seconds didn't last long.

   The memories of the last day flooded back into my mind, creating a mega huge tsunami of emotions heading towards my heart. Cliche, but that's how I felt.

   I managed to get over my shock. I climbed out of my bed and took a look into my inventory. I had packed everything yesterday for the journey. The journey to rip Herobrine's soul to pieces.

   I walked out of my room, after I checked my hair in the mirror. I walked down the steps to find Flame and Sarah deep in conversation about something. Sarah was looking a little frustrated and argumentative, like she always did in an argument. I didn't want to interrupt them or anything, so I stood behind a stone pillar and listened.

   "Sarah, we have to tell them what you saw," Flame was saying,"It may be hard for you, but we somehow can change it."

   "How would you now?" Sarah shot back,"I'm the one who has the powers of oracles. I only told you because I know you out of all of us could take it. Their courage is stretched to the extreme. Jason's death...I don't think they could hold that information without completely losing it."

   I dropped my stick, and silently cursed. The two stopped talking, having realized someone had come down. I walked towards them, saying a very squeaky good morning.

    Sarah nodded, looking in the distance, her eyes drifting. Flame stood up and examined his new sword. I walked to the kitchen and took out my new weapon, a trident, and studied it.

   It's main color was a soothing turquoise. The one point on each side were woven with gold and a painted green batch of seaweed. The biggest point in the middle was woven with diamond pieces of thread, which I found beautiful. Two pale blue gems were planted on each side of it.

   Whenever I willed myself to, the magnificent pitchfork would start pouring clear water from the top of the middle point. If I wanted to kill enemies, the point would flow with poisonous black liquid, killing anyone who had a drop of it on their skin, except form me. Summoning the deadly water drained a whole bunch if my energy, too.

   I decided to pack some food. Salar had probably done that already, but I had nothing to do. I grabbed a few apples and smoked salmon. After about a minute, Salar and Sasha arrived downstairs. Sasha was holding a blood red iPhone.

   "Uh, guys," Sasha said,"I can make my sword turn into an iPhone. The latest one."

   Sarah rushed over to her, and they both started examining each other's weapons.

   "So," Flame said,"We're all ready to go?"

   Everyone all nodded, and we all headed towards the two iron doors. I took a deep breath, and opened the door, letting the morning sunshine flood the room.

Salar's POV

My weapon was completely OP.

   We walked out the doors, all of us holding our new weapons. Mine was this giant axe made of iron, and a handle of gold, designed with emerald threads. When I'd somehow magically showed up yesterday, I realized I could control mobs better with the axe. I called it The Mob Axe, or its nickname, 'Butch'.

   Sarah went into her usual leading mode, but not acting exactly bossy. We flew into the air, following her lead. She said she could sense where the castle was, which was sort of creepy, but hey. It's Minecraft.

   We flew high up, almost above the clouds. To pass time, I messed with my crown and axe, thinking about how I somehow turned up at the battle yesterday. No one seemed to question my sudden appearance, which I appreciated, since just thinking about it gave me a brain fart.

   One minute I was in a destroyed temple, the next I'm beside my friends fighting off hoards of hostile mobs with a mysterious weapon and a bunch of new information planted in my mind. Like how I suddenly know I'm one of the Chosen Ones and that I'm the ruler of all Overworld mobs and master sprinter. Awesome, but a little unnerving.

   Suddenly, I felt another presence near us. Not the passive mobs below, but something hostile. Too hostile for me to control. I looked over at the others, and saw that only Flame looked tense. He noticed me, and flew towards me.

   "Do you sense it too?" he asked.

   "Yeah, I can. I don't think the others can, probably because they don't have power over mobs," I replied. At once, I realized that what I said was true. Flame took out a medium sized crown made of fire out of his inventory. Then a huge blocky white mass appeared from the clouds, making me yelp.

   It was a ghast in the Overworld.

Flame's POV

After that encounter ended, all that was in my mind was the song Light Em' Up by Fall Out Boy (I'm listening to it right now.)

   The ghast flew towards us, shooting fire balls of doom. At once, I realized this was my turn to protect the others.          I had the power over fire, and was the ruler of the Nether and all Nether mobs. But this ghast was particularly stubborn.

   I tried controlling it, but it defied my will. Something else was controlling the Nether mob, something beyond evil.

   I deflected the fire balls with own. Jenette tried spraying water on the thing, but nothing happened. The ugly beast just kept on hovering annoyingly there.

   I used my fire to surround it. I created a fireball so big that it kept the ghast trapped inside. I willed it the giant fiery ball to shrinking, destroying the ghast slowly. Finally, in an almighty explosion, the ghast blew up in a tornado of fire and ash.

   "SO LIGHT EM UP UP UP LIGHT EM UP UP UP LIGHT EM UP UP UP  THE FIIIIIIIIRE!" I sang in triumph. Sarah closed her ears to my terrible singing, but she was grinning, and so were the rest.

   "All hail the Ruler of Nether and Fire," said Jenette jokingly,"Who just brutally killed one of his own subjects."

   Ha, take that, ghast. No Nether mob defies my will and gets away with it. Wait, that makes me sound like a dictator. Ah, well.

   We dropped down to the ground out of exhaustion. I don't know why the others were so tired, but they all insisted we walk for a bit.

   We sheared a few sheep for fun, and dyed others. Sasha once dyed a sheep pink, and Sarah sheared it immediately. She then ordered me to create a fire so she could burn the wool.

   Sarah said that we were actually not that far, a couple days away at most. We weren't sure what we would do when got there. Just wreck as much havoc as possible and find a way to defeat Herobrine.

   Then my mind drifted to what Sarah had told me that morning, what she had saw in her vision. She trusted me so that I wouldn't loose my blocks and tell the others. As she told me about it, I could see the fear in her eyes. If she ever felt scared, she had this thing where she would hide it. If you see her scared, you should be, too.

   I tried to forget about it. It would only increase my stress and doubts. We then regained the strength to fly again just before night fell.

   We shot up to the clouds and followed Sarah's lead.



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