812 + 707

20 2 0

Everyone in Division 1 looks similar. We're all a stocky bunch. Not fat, the ration bars would never allow for that. But we carry more muscle and not in the lithe, athletic way Division 7 does. Our skin is darker, tanned from constant sun exposure. And some of us, me included, have hair that's constantly lightened from the sun. Since the overseers aren't going to risk anyone pretty enough for Iris duties getting sunburned, we're all pretty plain looking. There's no beauties in Division 1. And those there are find themselves pulled out pretty quickly. 

Everyone in Division 1 acts similar. We're picked for the division based on your ability to behave. When you're walking around in the sunshine by yourself and handling sharp farm equipment, even the smallest infraction is taken as a serious offense. The first day you're sentenced to the Sendep pod is your last day on the job. So Division 1 is filled with the demure, the devout, and the docile. 

707, or "Sev" as everyone calls him, was the walking epitome of Division 1. He was massive, probably the tallest in the compound, with broad shoulders and limbs like small tree trunks. He wasn't all that handsome either, with a nose that had been broken in an accident years ago and never set correctly. He had dark blonde hair that did nothing to make him look more approachable. He looked like a guy that could kill you with a toothpick if you looked at him the wrong way. Rumor has it that the cuff doesn't work on him correctly, because there's just so much to work on. But it's all rumor, because no one's ever seen the cuff being used on him. There's never a need. He's always on time, never falling behind so much as a minute. He never threatens, never makes sarcastic comments. He rarely speaks. If it weren't for his stature, you'd probably forget he was there at all. 

I was paired up with Sev for my first day of orchard duty. Everyone goes in pairs, so there's someone to hold the ladder as you pick the fruit. The Overseers claim they have our health at heart. I think they just got tired of having to haul someone off to medical to repair broken bones. So I was alone in this gigantic section of the orchard, trusting a terrifying looking guy I barely knew to keep the ladder straight. 

I was a new transfer, with next to no Value to my name. If I ended up in medical, I might not have enough to get through it. And that thought kept running through my mind as I reached up to pick oranges. My arms were practically shaking. I tried to ignore him, tried to get the job done as soon as possible. 

Sev was in charge of moving the ladder and I was determined to speak to him as little as possible. He never spoke to me, so it looked like the arrangement would work out. Instead, I stupidly reached out as far as I could to reach the last orange on the branch. I didn't even realized I'd leaned over too far until I was falling. I had just enough time to think, "This is how I die" before two giant arms were wrapped around me. I looked up into a pair of dark gray eyes staring down under dark blond brows. 

"Be careful," he said as he gently put me on the ground. His voice was deep and quiet. 

"Thanks," I muttered. We went back to work like nothing happened. But when I reached out to pick fruit, my arms were steady. 

It wasn't until months later I found out pairing the newbie with Sev was Division 1's version of hazing. But by that time, I didn't care. Orchard duty was one of my favorites. The shade of the leaves kept off the worst of the sun and the ripe fruit always smelled sweet. And Sev was my favorite partner. 

He doesn't talk a lot, he doesn't see the need, but he'll listen. I'd spend my time on the ladder blathering about whatever gossip was going on (211 was a fount of knowledge for that) or the stories I'd read recently. I wasn't the only one that would sneak a peek at the illegal books hidden in the library, but I was still quiet as I told them to him. He listened and nodded and only rarely smiled or asked a question. But he was kind and attentive and we got along well. 

So it was a total surprise when we were working in the apple orchard and he suddenly said, "I know what you're doing to the wall." 

A smarter girl might have feigned ignorance or act confused. Me? I froze on the spot for a full 30 seconds. I waited for him to ask a question or threaten to tell the Overseers. He just stood there at the bottom of the ladder. 

"I didn't think you were paying attention," I replied stupidly. Of course he was paying attention. His eyes caught everything. 

"You'll die if they find out," he continued. Sev doesn't speak loudly as a rule, but it felt like he was purposefully dropping his voice. The nearest Oversee was several tree lines over, harassing the prettiest girl in Division 1 (which is like being the most cautious one in Division 7) but I was still panicked. 

"The idea is for them to not find out," I replied. "Not until after." After that... well, we'd figure that part out when we got there. 

"If you're out, the Depraved will kill you," he replied. Sev had sent a very short time in Division 7, back when the assessments didn't account for gentle giants. Even the Depraved were put off by his size and he didn't have the desire to chase after them. 

"There's a plan for that," I insisted. I didn't know much about it other than there were outsiders willing to help us. Information was slow to get to Division 1. We didn't spend much time with other people. 

"Why do it?" he asked. In his eyes, it was a genuine question. We had a pretty decent spot compared to the other divisions. While there was the ever present risk of accidentally chopping one of your fingers off on farming equipment, we weren't in ready danger. We still got to go outside, when a lot of others didn't. The work wasn't demeaning, despite what the snobs of Division 4 said. It was the best situation you could hope for in the compound. 

"It'll sound stupid," I replied. He just looked at me patiently. I sighed. 

"I know I had a big family when I was out there," I said quietly. "I don't remember their names or faces or even how many of them there were, but I know they existed. I just... I swear I know what it feels like to be in a big room full of people that love you." That feeling was the only thing left from my past life and I clung to it. 

"They're probably dead now," Sev said bluntly. I wasn't offended, that was how he usually spoke. Sev didn't sugarcoat a thing. And I'd already figured that out myself. 

"Or trapped in here too and not remembering me," I added. Did I have forgotten siblings among the compound? Did they remember being in the room with me? 

"So why?" He asked. 

"Because I want it again," I whispered fervently. I turned and sat down on the ladder, leaning closer to him. "I want a husband and kids and a house and a name. Two names. One that's my own and one I share with them. I want to grow food that I give to them or eat myself. I want to sit in a room filled with people and know that I love every one of them and every one of them loves me." 

"You don't love anyone here?" he asked. 

"Not a room full," I replied. "It's too risky. And I know there's not a room full that loves me." There was no point in loving people when they could be taken without warning. And I wasn't the only one that thought so. No one in Division 1 stood up for each other. You couldn't afford it. If you stood up for a rule-breaker, you became one. And then you wouldn't be in Division 1 anymore. You winced when someone was dragged away, muttered under your breath, and kept your head down. 

Sev was silent for a long time. I idly thought about our quota, we still needed a couple more bushels. Then I realized the quota wouldn't really matter if he ratted me out. But when he spoke again, he wasn't calling over the Overseer to hand me over. Instead, he asked a question. A beautiful question that about knocked me off the ladder entirely. 

"How can I help?" 

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