The vanishing glass

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Hello, everybody! I'd like to thank darkquill98 and freddiest for what they told me about how my previous story had probably been taken down because, technically, the book was written there. So, I followed their advice and now I'll only include the first and last few words of each paragraph. I'm sorry if it annoys anyone, but I think it's the only way I have to try to make sure it's not taken down again.

Some people have asked me about the pairings. Well, let's get that issue out of the way as soon as possible. There'll be some, of course, that's inevitable, and they'll be the canon pairings (even if I'm not a fan of all of them) because they're reading the books. That said, they won't suddenly fall in love and kiss and live happily ever after once they read about it in the books. That's ridiculous. They'll fight and argue and deny it and blush and cry and threaten each other, and some may even accept it and be happy. Either way, these pairings won't be the main focus of the story. If you take a look at the tags, they say friendship and family, not romance. It's basically because I think, in the books, friendship and family are much more important than romance and also because I've never written romance and I'd have no idea where to even start.

Now that I've finished with that, thank you so much for all the reviews and all the support and everyone who has decided to give this story a chance! It's really incredible!

Anyway, here's the first chapter where they read the books. I hope you like it!

Disclaimer: all the text in bold and the characters belong to J. K. Rowling. This is just a story written by a fan who doesn't get any kind of compensation for it except for a few reviews from time to time.

Time to take a chance

The vanishing glass

"Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone," Harry answered. Murmurs broke out across Great Hall. "I know it doesn't make sense right now, but it will when we're further along in the story."

"Very well," Madame Maxime nodded.

"Then, let's begin," Dumbledore said satisfied. "Filius, please," he said nodding towards the book.

The tiny professor happily waved his wand at the book and it opened on the first page.

The vanishing glass

"Vanishing glass? Are we sure that this is the book from Harry's first year?" Percy asked with a frown. "Vanishing Spells aren't taught until fifth year."

They looked at the boy in search for answers, but the sight that greeted them was unexpected.

"He's asleep?" Bill blurted out baffled as he stared at the boy who was leaning against his stunned little brother and breathing deeply in sleep. "He was awake and talking literally ten seconds ago!"

"How can he sleep now?" Lavander asked, somewhat annoyed. "I mean, it's one thing to fall asleep in class, but he said himself that these books are important and..."

"Don't be daft, Lavander. The letter warned us about this," Hermione snapped, unconsciously pressing closer to Harry protectively. She knew that Harry rarely allowed himself to be asleep in front of others because he felt like he was leaving himself vulnerable.

"Whatever happens to him in the book happens to him here," Remus realised with wide eyes.

"Including sleep?" Ginny asked perplexed. It was weird to see Harry like this. He looked... younger, or more like his age. He didn't look like the hero he usually resembled.

"Apparently," Remus nodded, staring at the slumbering boy. He looked so much like a young James with his green eyes closed.

"Maybe we can wake him up?" Dean suggested tentatively. Reading books about Harry while Harry was asleep was... odd.

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