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Hello, everyone! Well, I'm from Spain and this is the first time I publish a story in English so I'm sorry for any grammatical or spelling mistake, but I really wanted to try to do this.

This isn't the first story I've begun about reading the books of Harry Potter, but the other one is written in Spanish. It's called 'Leyendo la vida del chico de la cicatriz del rayo' and I've been working on it for a long time now. The problem is that I started it without knowing where I wanted to go with it and I've wanted to change so many things for a while. So, I decided to rewrite it and I thought, 'Hey, why don't I try to write it in both English and Spanish? It can't hurt to try', so, yeah, here you go.

I hope you enjoy it!

Disclaimer: All the text in bold and the characters belong to J. K. Rowling. This is just a story written by a fan who doesn't get any kind of compensation for it except for a few reviews from time to time.

Time to take a chance


Time is a very curious thing.

Time sometimes feels like it flows too fast while other times it feels like it takes forever for another grain of sand to fall in an hourglass. Time changes your perception of things. The time when an event takes place can change a lot of things and have a lot of consequences.

Perhaps that was the next events in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry would take place that night instead of years earlier or much later, once everything had come to pass. Had they happened later, it would have been for nothing, but it would have done more harm than good if they had happened earlier.

Of course, none of the wizards and witches currently in the Great Hall knew that nor that something unexpected was going to happen. How could they? They only knew that that year was going to be special with the Triwizard Tournament and its three champions were going to be chosen any moment now. The students were all waiting impatiently for Dumbledore to finish his dinner, many of them sending glances at the blue-white flames of the Goblet of Fire.

What they weren't expecting was for the Great Hall to suddenly be filled with a flash of light that blinded everyone. When the bright spots disappeared from everyone's eyes, they couldn't see anything out of order. Everybody was on their feet with their wands ready to defend themselves, but nothing more than that.

Well, there was one thing...

"What the...?" A voice carried through the Great Hall, making many heads turn in that direction. It belonged to a boy with unruly black hair and round glasses that they all knew. "A package? I receive a package now?"

"Mr. Potter?" The headmaster prompted, his blue eyes sharp and the twinkle that was usually in them completely gone.

"This has appeared, Professor," Harry said, poking the cardboard box with his wand warily.

"It has your name on it," Hermione said, eyeing the top where 'Harry James Potter' was written with a somewhat familiar chicken scribble. She knew it from somewhere but she couldn't quite put her finger on where.

Dumbledore quickly walked over to the Gryffindor table, the students parting to allow him to get close to the box. He was followed closely behind by McGonagall, Snape, Moody, Crouch, Bagman, Karkaroff and Madame Maxime while the other professors tried to maintain a minimum of order as whispers spread across the student body.

"Mr. Potter, everyone, step back," McGonagall ordered immediately. Her students quickly hurried to obey, knowing better than to ignore her orders when she sounded like that.

The old headmaster waved his wand over the box in complicated motions, whispering under his breath and frowning in confusion when nothing happened.

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