"Five minutes," he finally lets her go.

"Fine," she said through clench teeth, "Let me go."

"Get dress first."

She shoves him away and storms into her walk-in closet as he admirably stares at her ass. He thought she was perfect. She thought he was a dick.

When Lillie emerges a couple minutes later she was casually dressed in black leggings and a navy V-neck t-shirt that hugged her curves graciously. Nate was sitting on the bed and stared at her hungrily. He wanted to tell her to go change again but thought against it.

"Your five minutes are ticking," He said smugly.

"Get bent!" she said before slamming the bedroom door behind her.

He chuckles to himself. Staring at his phone, it was five after two. He will give her exactly the five minutes he promised. Ten after, he planned to stomp out of the damn room and drag her luscious ass back to bed and keep it there for the rest of the day. For now, he'll just think off all the exciting things he was going to make her try.

Exactly five minutes later, Nate emerges from the room. He expects that damn poor excuse of a marketing director to be gone.

"Sweets I think we should spend the rest of the day in...." Nate looks around the room. Empty. "Sweetheart?"

His hands clench shaking by his side. She was gone. They both were gone. He screamed at the empty room. He notice her purse that was on the ground the night before and phone was gone too. His angry growl turns into a laugh. He cannot believe she duped him.

"Oh, Lillie. You better hope damn will I don't find you."


"Lillie are you sure it's okay for us to be here?" Michael asked. "I mean, I'm not worry about myself but about what that guy might do to you."

"Ignore him. He's harmless." Lillie said taking a sip of her coffee.

"Huh..." Michael motion to the bruise on his face from getting punch by Nate last night.

She stares at him and they both chuckle. "Oh god, I'm really sorry about that."

They fall into an awkward silence after their laughter die down. Lillie was starting to think that maybe sneaking out of her own home wasn't such a great idea. She knows damn well Nate will retaliate against her a hundred folds and no doubt she probably signed Michael's death certificate. But, there was no way she was going to sit there and just let him order her around. She was her own damn person. Right when she slammed her bedroom door shut she grabbed her phone and purse and motion for Michael to the door. She was surprise that Nate didn't hear the front door closing.

"I have the salmon here," the waitress at the restaurant interrupt her and the silent awkwardness.

"Thanks," Lillie said. She was starving. Besides the fail breakfast this morning, she used quite the energy. Don't think about it. Don't think about it.

"So, who is he Lillie?" Michael asked just as they started eating. Great... definitely not eating again.

"Michael, it's kind of personal," she replied. "But, I guess I do owe you an explanation."

"What happened yesterday. You know, with the kiss and all. That shouldn't have happened. I mean I've never felt anything beyond a coworker. I'm sorry."

Michael cleared his throat threading carefully, "I should be the one to apologize. I didn't consider your feelings and just went ahead with my gut. For that, I'm sorry. But, I will say that I will not be sorry for pursuing you from now on."

"Michael I..."

"Lillie, you are a young, talented, beautiful, and hardworking woman. I know it's shameful of me, this old man here, to have these feelings for you. But I can't help it. From the moment you walked into Sky Corp and took over the company. The pressure and responsibility thrown at you at such a young age. I fell for you." Michael confessed never once looking away from her eyes.

She saw the sincerity there in his eyes. He held the same exact look Nate did this morning after he confessed to her. She opened her mouth but nothing came out.

"You don't have to say anything. I mean it's kind of obvious what's going on between you and that... man. But as long as there's no ring on that finger, like I said before, I want to and will pursue you."

"Michael please.... Please don't." she nervously started. "That man before. He's my... I'm... I'm in love with him."

She saw the muscle that ticked in his jaw.

He got up from his seat. "This one is one me," he said setting a hundred dollar on the table. Before turning to walk away he said, "Lillie, feelings can change. I'll pursue you until they do."

She watches as his back exited the glass door. She looks down to the salmon in front of her. With a heavy sign she pushes the plate away and signal for the bill.


It's been three hours and Lillie still hasn't return. He called her numerous times with failure. Nate was getting impatient. Earlier when he was ready to go find her, he thought against it. He had no clue where she ran off to and Seoul wasn't a small city. He would have gotten lost in this unfamiliar place anyways. So, he decided to wait. Now, he was beginning to think she wasn't going to come back tonight at all.

"I'm going to enjoy punishing you." He said to the quiet and darken room. The sun was setting soon and the little light from it created an eerie aura.

Suddenly his phone ring by his side. He looks at the caller and it was Lillie. Immediately he picks up.

"Where the hell are you?!" his voice boomed through the phone.

Lillie flinched before answering. "Promise me."

"Promise you what?" he growled through the phone.

"Promise me that on harm will be done to me if I return to my own home."

"You have no right - "

"Then I'm not coming home," she said cutting him off.


"Michael too." She quickly added.

"Lillie... don't push it."

"Promise me. Or else I'm sleeping somewhere else."

Ughhhh. Right away the image of her kissing that scum came into his head.

"Fine Lillie! I promise! Just get your ass home!" he yelled in the phone.


Not two seconds later the front door popped open and light from the hallway flooded in. Nate looks over to the door with the phone still glue to his face. She hesitantly steps in and the door close quietly after. There eyes met and before any words can be exchange, Nate tosses his phone and stalk angrily towards her.

"Nate you promise!" she said taking a step back.

He was on her before she can go any further. Collecting her in his arms he pressed their lips together. He kissed her hungrily like he's been starved a millennia. After kissing her crazy, he held her close against his chest.

"God, I missed you." He breathe into her hair. Her body melted at his words and actions. She no doubt thought he was going to kill her regardless of his promises.

Her stomach growls loudly breaking their hug. He looks at her almost confused.

She smiles shyly, "I'm very very hungry."

He chuckles at her pulling her in for another hug.

A/N: More updates will becoming this by the end of this week. Thank you all for your continue support. Please vote and comment. =)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2019 ⏰

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