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Newt looked at the key card and and read the room number. "So we are in room A-235." Newt made a face in confusion. "They must have a weird numbering system." He shrugged as they walked towards the elevator. Newt pressed the button and they waited, watching the little dial above the elevator slowly move down as it made it's descent from floor to floor. The elevator opened and it was empty. They walked in and Newt pressed the button for the 8th floor. Newt swayed a bit to the elevator music. "So do you wanna get room service or go out to eat?" Newt asked still swaying.

"What?" Hermann blinked as if just being brought out of his thoughts.

"For dinner dinner tonight." Newt clarified. "Do you wanna get room service or go out?" He asked looking over at Hermann. The elevator doors opened and Newt walked out, putting his arm out to make sure the elevator doors wouldn't close on Hermann.

"I have no aversion to either." Hermann said dismissively.

"Me either but do you have a preference?" He asked looking at the numbers on each door trying to find theirs.

"It would be... nice to go out." Hermann found himself twisting his ring around his finger. It fit strangely well considering it wasn't meant for him.

"Then we'll go out." Newt nodded. "Nice!" He walked to their door. "Now let's see what this honeymoon suite is all about." He raised his eyebrows and winked suggestively. Laughing at the face Hermann made in response. He slid the card into the slot on the door and pushed it open.

"Oh~" Hermann's eyes went wide and he tried to find the words that were floating elusively in the back of his mind. "It's very..."

"Romantic?" Newt raised and eyebrow, looking in. There were red rose petals leading from the door onto the bed. "Oh boy." He laughed. He flicked on the light and it illuminated the rest of the room. "Oh man." He laughed again getting a better look at everything.

They entered the room and Newt threw his bags to the side, flopping back on the bed. As he landed the petals floated up due to the force of the jump. He laughed as he was showered in rose petals. He turned his head to the side and saw Hermann still standing in the doorway. Hermann was just staring at him, his big brown eyes soft and wide his expression gentle.

"What?" Newt laughed, blowing a rose petal off his face. Hermann didn't answer, still just watching him. "What?" He laughed again pushing himself up so he was leaning back on his elbows. Hermann just shook his head as he entered the room. He dropped his bags in the doorway and kicked the door closed behind him as he started walking towards Newt. A smile broke across his face and he jumped onto the bed. Newt laughed and let out a surprised shriek smiling as he rolled to give Hermann room to land.

The rose petals once again flew through the air, floating around them as they laughed. They laughed long and hard their faces turning pink as they ran out of breath. Hermann moved so he was above Newt, brushing flower petals away from his face. Their laughing slowly subsided as they looked at each other taking deep breaths to steady their heart rates. They kept smiling, gazing into each other's eyes. Newt let the last few hums of a chuckle leave him and he licked his lips, panting slightly. He kept smiling softly as his gaze flickered from Hermann's eyes to his lips and back up to his eyes. Hermann breathed in short stunted breaths but smiled down at him nonetheless, swallowing as he watched Newt's eyes. His eyes shifted to Newt's lips and he watched as they parted slightly. He hadn't realized how pink those lips were, had they always been this pink? They were round too and more full than Hermann had remembered. He hadn't realized how intensely he'd been studying Newt's mouth until he saw Newt start to nervously chew at his bottom lip.

He met his eyes and saw that his cheeks were flushed pink and his eyes were half lidded with wide blown pupils. They locked eyes and Hermann quickly dipped down and brought their lips together. Newt's eyes snapped shut and he immediately pushed up to meet Hermann halfway. The result was a rough bump of their mouths that they both seemed to find humorous. Newt laughed as they kissed, making Hermann laugh as well. Their mouths met between giggles and smiles as the clumsily tried to kiss each other. They were both laughing so hard that one attempted kiss only made it to the corned of Newt's mouth, making him throw his head back on the pillow laughing. He covered his face which was a mix of pink and red and slowly calmed his breathing, peeking through his fingers to see Hermann was trying to stop laughing too. Newt pushed himself up and Hermann did as well so they were both sitting and facing each other.

"Usually I think I'd be upset if I tried to kiss someone and they laughed." Newt was laughing even then as he tried to speak.

"You're laughing too." Hermann smiled, pushing Newt playfully.

"I said usually. I'm definitely not upset now." Newt leaned forward moving as if he was a punching bag and the momentum of Hermann's push brought him back around. He stayed leaning close and brought a hand up to Hermann's cheek. Hermann took his hand and placed a kiss on his palm. "Dude." Newt ducked his head down and covered his face blushing. Hermann laughed and ducked down so they were looking at each other again. He smiled at Newt's red face and leaned in to press their lips together. Newt closed his eyes and let Hermann kiss him, kissing back and tilting his head to the side. He pushed himself up so he was kneeling, not breaking the kiss. He put his hand back on the side of Hermann's face and placed the other on the back of his head as he ran his fingers through his hair. Hermann's hands found a resting place around Newt's waist. One on his back, holding him close and the other just gently gripping his side. Hermann pulled him closer by his waist and they broke apart taking deep heaving breaths. Smiles grew across both of their faces and Hermann pushed Newt back so he was laying down and Newt reached up, pulling Hermann down on top of him by the collar of his shirt.

"Maybe," Hermann panted. "Maybe we should order room service instead." Newt looked at him in confusion for half a second before the little lightbulb in his brain turned on. A wide grin spread across his face and he laughed, pulling Hermann down into a kiss. They kept kissing, growing more passionate by the second before Newt made a small sound in protest. Hermann pulled back and Newt immediately started taking off his jacket, throwing it to the side of the bed followed by his shirt which Hermann helped him with. Newt moved in for another kiss but stopped at Hermann's opened mouth expression.

"Are you good?" He asked slightly concerned. Hermann nodded, not tearing his eyes away from Newt's chest.

"Yes... I'm quite alright." Hermann swallowed. "I just didn't expect..."

"Oh, the tattoos." He laughed, looking down at himself. "I didn't realize you hadn't seen them yet." He saw Hermann's mouth was still slightly open and he continued. "Yeah I get mixed reactions." He smiled nervously. "They're not for everybody." He scratched the back of his neck. "It's cool if you-mmph!" He was cut off by Hermann's lips on his.

"You look gorgeous." He said holding Newt's head in his hands. "and I have a feeling," He licked his lips. "They don't end here." He placed a hand on Newt's hip and tugged at his waistband. Their eyes met and they were on each other again.

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