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"I can see it now, the Gottlieb Geiszler tour de New York!" He put one arm around Hermann and motioned the other up through the air in front of them as if presenting him with some unfathomably beautiful landscape. Hermann stifled a laugh and this only encouraged Newt. A huge grin spread across his face as he continued. "It's gonna be great! Just imagine! We can see all the touristy spots and take lame corny pictures!" His eyes lit up as ideas flashed through his mind. "We could go to the Statue of Liberty! Oh we could visit the Empire State Building!" He clapped his hands together. "Oooh and then! Then we can visit the places where there's actual good food and cool stuff and-" Newt's speech was cut off by him violently coughing. "Yikes, that didn't sound good." He laughed before coughing again. "Yeah that was a gross one." He smiled, sniffling.

"Are you alright? Are you catching a cold?" Hermann was moving his head around to try to get a better look at him. Newt shook his head and continued.

"It's gonna be great, man! Hold on! Mr. Gottlieb let me paint you a picture!" Hermann cracked a smile at the ridiculousness of it all. "It's a bright new day in the city that never sleeps! The city is bustling with people and we're sharing a hot dog lady and the tramp style." He winked, elbowing Hermann jokingly. Hermann scoffed but was unable to stop the wide smile that spread across his face as Newt was about to continue. Newt, who had a wide grin to mirror Hermann's opened his mouth again but promptly closed it.

He started sneezing before he could speak again and this time Hermann didn't just let him wave it off. He took his chin in his hand and turned his face so he could actually look at him. Newt's nose was bright red, so red in fact that he could've been mistaken for Rudolph and his cheeks were slowly reddening to match. Was he blushing? Newt pushed his hand away and tried to wave him off but was interrupted when another coughing fit started up.

"I'm fine, it's just a little cough-" He ended with a sneeze. "So maybe it's a cold but..." He trailed of with a shrug before sneezing again. "But it's just a small one."

Hermann was already grumbling to himself as he was rearranging blankets and pillows. "Honestly, Newton." He muttered shaking his head. "Lay down." He commanded, pushing Newt down before he could respond.

"Easy there bud-" He was interrupted.

"Do you have a fever?" He asked with a bored expression.

"Hermann, I feel fine." Newt lied. Hermann rolled his eyes.

"Do you feel hot?" Hermann asked laying him properly on the makeshift floor bed.

"I mean I'm curled up by the fire with Prince Charming so yeah." Newt laughed. Hermann paused for a moment before shaking his head and adjusting his position once again.

"Well it's positively frigid in here, even with the fire." Hermann moved his hand to gently press against Newt's forehead.

"Hermann I don't have a-" He was promptly cut off.

"You're running hot." He shook his head as if to say I told you so. He must have seen Newt's face turn to annoyance because he began to smile and ran his hand down along Newt's cheek. "Just relax, you'll recover faster that way." He spoke quietly. Newt sighed and subconsciously leaned into Hermann's hand. When their eyes met Newt realized he was basically nuzzling into Hermann's hand, making both of them blush. Yet Hermann didn't remove his hand, only moving slightly to caress Newt's cheek with his thumb. Newt's breath hitched and caught in his throat. Newt put his hand on Hermann's and looked up at him with sparkling eyes only to slowly move his hand away.

Hermann felt his cheeks turn pink but didn't pull away. He only sighed and smiled. "Just go to sleep, Newton." He shook his head fondly.

"Kiss me goodnight?" Newt grinned from ear to ear as Hermann rolled his eyes.

"You're a fool." Hermann smiled, shaking his head.

"On the cheek?" Newt said, hoping that would somehow better his chances.

"This is only because you're delusional and need to rest." He leaned over and pressed a gentle kiss on his forehead.

"Rad." Newt smiled, closing his eyes. "So we're going to bed now?" He asked, opening one eye slightly.

"Yes, I believe the best course of action now would be to sleep." Hermann nodded.

"Cool cool, so... are you gonna hold me?" Newt smiled as Hermann scoffed. "For warmth! To be warm!" He laughed as he tried to justify himself. Usually he wouldn't be so forward and joking with a complete stranger, especially considering the circumstances, but he was feverish, trying to impress this stranger and it sorta just felt like they clicked.

"Go to sleep, Newton." Hermann sighed, laying down next to him. Newt rolled so he was facing Hermann and curled into him, closing his eyes. Hermann huffed out a sigh and somehow managed to get himself comfortable despite the amalgamation of limbs which surrounded him. "This is ridiculous." He whispered to himself.

"Whatever dude." Newt yawned, snuggling closer and looking up at him. "Could you give me more blanket? I'm chilly." He closed his eyes and basically buried his face in Hermann's chest. "You have almost the entirety of the blankets." Hermann grumbled pulling him impossibly closer to share the warmth which was so rudely being taken from him. "And I am just as cold." He closed his eyes. Newt's hands were clinging onto the front of Hermann's jacket under the blankets and Hermann had somehow managed to wrap one arm around Newt's waist while the other hand clung like a vice holding the blankets closed around them.

"Come closer I'm cold." Newt breathed into Hermann's chest.

"Newton I must inform you that it may actually be physically impossible for me to come any closer." Hermann rolled his eyes. "You feel cold because you're sick, you're most likely going to feel unbelievably hot in 10 minutes." Newt mumbled an incomprehensible reply into Hermann's chest and was drifting off in seconds.

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