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Newt rolled on his side so he was facing the fire and let out a sigh. "Alright." He whispered to himself. "Game time. Game plan. Time for a game plan. It's game plan time." He then stared into the fire silently. "Oh shit! Fuckin Eureka dude!" He sat up. "Hey Hermann?" He called from his blanket burrito by the fire.

"Yes Newton?" Hermann called back.

"What do you, like, do up here?" He asked, playing with the hem of the blanket.

"Bored already?" Hermann peeked his head out of the kitchen where he was scrubbing the burnt egg pan.

"No I could do this all day." Newt stretched and yawned contently, only partially trying to prove his point. "Just curious about how you spend your time." He smiled.

"I like to read fairly often." He replied. Newt just smiled and nodded before looking around.

"Yeah I assumed. Poetry I bet-" He was poking fun before he stopped short, interrupting himself with an idea. "Oh hey! So what kinda music do you have? Other than Christmas Classics of course." Newt smiled.

"You're free to take a look and play whatever you please." Hermann motioned towards it welcomingly.

"Thanks man." Hey looked through the records and stopped after flipping through a few. "Do you dance?" He asked over his shoulder with an almost joking smile.

"I haven't in quite some time." Hermann replied honestly. "But yes, I am able to waltz."

"I didn't peg you as the dancing type." He smiled picking out a Frank Sinatra record. "I never learned how." He added, placing the record on the player. He sat in front of it as the music started up, just humming to himself. Hermann cleared his throat behind him and Newt turned to find him standing with his hand outstretched. "Mr.- excuse me," He paused. "Dr. Gottlieb, are you asking me to dance?" Newt asked with a bright smile. He watched as Hermann rolled his eyes and opened his mouth, most likely to revoke the offer. "Because I'd be honored." He took the outstretched hand and stood. "So, what am I supposed to do?"

"Put your hand on my shoulder," Hermann nodded towards his free hand and Newt complied. "and I'll put my hand on your waist." He said placing his hand so gently on Newt's waist it was practically hovering. Newt smiled and held in a laugh as Hermann straightened up. "It's pretty simple really, I step in time with the music and you follow my lead."

"Lead the way." Newt smiled, stepping closer to Hermann.

"You may want to start by watching my feet." Both he and Newt looked down at the same time and bumped their heads.

"Sorry-" Newt put his hand on his head.

"No, please that was my fault-" Hermann apologized also rubbing his own head.

"No really I should've been paying attention." Newt let out a small laugh.

"I could say the same thing." Hermann replied in agreement. They both laughed nervously as their eyes met again. Newt tore his eyes away and cleared his throat.

"So uh, so I'll just watch what you do and uh follow." He re-positioned himself before looking back up at Hermann again. "Follow your lead." He swallowed.

"Alright." Hermann straightened his back. "I am going to start by taking my right foot and stepping to the right, because you are following my lead and mirroring me you are going to be stepping-"

"Left with my left foot." Newt nodded.

"Precisely. I will call out which direction you are going to be moving in as we transition into it as not to confuse you. When I move right I will say left, when I step back I will up and so on and so forth." Hermann nodded.

"Cool, got it." Newt adjusted his feet to mirror Hermann's and smiled.

"Are you ready?" Hermann asked with a small sign.

"Never been readier." Newt smiled.

"1 2 3, 1 2 3, 1 2 3, 1 2 3. Left 2 3, up 2 3, right 2 3, back 2 3, left 2 3, up 2 3, right 2 3, back 2 3. Very good 3, up 2 3, right 2 3, back 2 3, left 2 3, up 2 3, right 2 3, back 2 3..." Hermann trailed off as he hummed and kept the beat, tapping his fingers on Newt's waist.

Newt and Hermann would lean into every transitional step turning every motion into a sway. Newt had only tripped into Hermann three times and stepped on his toes twice by the end of the song.

"Who knew Sinatra wrote so many song to dance to." Newt laughed. "I thought it was just love songs for old people to sway and stuff."

Hermann shook his head and rolled his eyes fondly which only made Newt smile wider. The next song started up and Newt's eyes glistened as he smiled up at Hermann.

"Shall we?" Hermann asked, letting a smile grow on his face.

"But of course." Newt laughed a reply, getting ready to dance again. Hermann lead them so they were just restarting the cycle as the vocals came in.

Some day, when I'm awfully low
When the world is cold
I will feel a glow just thinking of you
And the way you look tonight

Hermann spun them as they continued the basic steps. Newt laughed and met his steps with the help of the steadying hand that was firmly guiding him from his waist.

Yes, you're lovely, with your smile so warm
And your cheeks so soft
There is nothing for me but to love you
And the way you look tonight

They continued to dance and Newt miss-stepped on another one of the spins which brought them chest to chest. He laughed some more and they stayed there, continuing to dance chest to chest.

With each word your tenderness grows
Tearing my fear apart
And that laugh, wrinkles your nose
Touches my foolish heart
Lovely, never, never change
Keep that breathless charm
Won't you please arrange it?
Cause I love you
A-just the way you look tonight

Newt licked his lips and blinked a few times almost as if realizing he was here, he was really here. He was dancing around in warm fuzzy clothes in front of the fireplace with the handsome man who saved him from the storm. He smiled and began to sing along, quietly serenading Hermann.

"And that laugh that wrinkles your nose
It touches my foolish heart
Lovely, don't you ever change
Keep that breathless charm"

Hermann stepped back and spun Newt out of his arms before spinning him back in and swaying with him. Newt continued to sing softly with a smile.

"Won't you please arrange it?
Cause I love you
A-just the way you look tonight~"

Hermann suddenly dipped him and Newt's singing was abruptly stopped. His arms were around Hermann's neck where he was clutching onto his shirt. Their faces were inches apart and Newt's breath caught in his throat.

"Hmmm mm mm mm" Hermann hummed. "Just the way you look tonight~" He finished the song and Newt stared up at him, cheeks pink, eyes wide, a surprised smile on his lips.

Hermann touched their noses together and Newt's eyes fluttered closed as he leaned up so their lips met. When they separated they both let out breaths they hadn't realized they were holding and they pressed their foreheads together and just breathed in each other's air.

This was something good.

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