Just the Beginning

Start from the beginning

 "You're always hungry." Harry said with a chuckle.

 Ron shrugged. "I'm a growing boy. Need to eat."


 Tuesday had finally come and Harry, Ron, and Hermione found themselves dragging their book bags along the floor. All the teachers had assigned homework and Harry felt he was developing bad posture because of it.

 The trio had ventured from the Charms classroom and into the Library where students used their free periods to study there. The  worst thing about using the Library is when Madam Pince walks around circling students to see if they are accommodating to the rules enforced in the Library, which is usually why Harry and Ron sit in the crowded and busy Gryffindor Common Room. However today Ron had been pestering Hermione to help him with all his homework and she would only help him if they had come to the Library with her.

 "Next time I'll actually pay attention to Professor Binns if it means I don't have to come back in here again." Ron whispered to him. Hermione, a bit flustered, turned back to him.

 "It's not as though you're allergic to the library, Ron."

 The three of them picked a suitable table near one of the large windows that lit the room with sunlight throughout the day hours. After only a few minutes Hermione had finished, Ron was struggling, looking back and forth between the textbook and his empty parchment. Harry was also struggling a bit with his History of Magic essay. Then Harry looked around the room. Everyone was hunched over their books reading or scrawling on their sheets of parchment. Absolutely bored he decided that he should take a breather and walk around the Library for a bit.

 "Where are you going?" Hermione asked looking up from the Daily Prophet in her hand.

 "To get a book. I'm having trouble with History of Magic." she nodded going back to her article.

 Ron looked up at him pleadingly, he didn't want to be there. With an apologetic look Harry walked off into the arrays of shelves. He wove his way in and out of the book shelves aimlessly. After about seven rows he had accidentally run into someone.

 "Sorry." he apologized quickly. He regained his composure realizing who it was.

 "Hi Leah." he greeted a bit awkwardly. She looked up at him a little confused as to who would be talking to her.

 "Are you studying too?" she gave him an obvious look.

 "Well, it's a library." Harry said reasonably and she nodded pushing her fringe out of her face. They stood there for a bit unsure of what to do next Harry decided to bring back the question she had never answered before.

 "Remember when I asked you if you would help me with my homework?" she nodded paying close attention now.

 "Would you be willing to help me?" Leah bit her lip indicating thought.

 "If you wouldn't like to it's okay. I was just wondering because-"

"Yeah." said Leah her voice was as small as it could be. Harry's mind froze over like the Black Lake during Winter Solstice. Had she actually agreed?

 "Really?" he asked for confirmation letting a small smile leak from his lips. Harry saw her shoulders relax a little as a broad, confident smile appeared across her face.

 "That's… That's great then." said Harry. "We can meet up in the Common Room then?" Leah nodded quickly.

 Once they had figured out a suitable time they had gone their separate ways. 

 "Did you find the book you're looking for? Why are you smiling?" Hermione had asked him as soon as he sat down.

 He looked up at the two of his friends wiping the look off of his face. "Nothing." he had answered her. But it wasn't just nothing. It was a decision that would change his life and Leah's. There was one question to ask himself. Why? Why had he done it? He could have just easily left this seemingly boring character off to the side and continued on with his hectic, stress-filled life. However he refused to think that. He refused to just leave this seemingly lonely girl alone to just live her life with no sign of a real friend. And so he would be the first, the first person to actually try to get to know her. To give her at least one person to be friendly with.

 This was just the beginning, he would like to think that they would be having more interaction than just studying together. Yes, Harry thought. We're just beginning.

Hey peoples!

So I finally found time to actually write the next chapter! Yay! *throws confetti* Anyways I will try my hardest to update everything as a present for you guys since I've been so absent. I've had a ship load of homework to do and it's been stressful (It's not my fault I chose all Academic courses for school!). Thank you guys for sticking with me and thank you for over 100 fans!!!!!

I hope you all have a wonderful day and stuff! 

P.S. - I'm sorry they're studying all the time! The school mood has possessed me into some kind of studying machine. Plus Hogwarts is a lot of work, not just all fun and quidditch games.

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