xv. 𝙧𝙚𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙜𝙝𝙤𝙨𝙩𝙨.

Depuis le début

But when they reach the gate, June caught a glimpse at how deserted Arkadia really was. She can't see much, but so far, there isn't a soul in sight. Monty took over driving while the rest, excluding Sinclair, Raven, and Jasper, piled out with their guns, Octavia with her sword, in the case of an attack. June held her rifle forward, finger lightly brushing the trigger as they pass through the busted gate.

"We left two days ago," Clarke noted in confusion. "Why haven't they fixed the gate?"

"Maybe because there's no one here to fix it," Jasper suggested, poking out of the roof of the rover. When June passed the open hole, she sees he's right. Arkadia is emptier than she's ever seen it as if no one had ever been here. She feels a chill, as if there are ghosts of eyes on her, watching her every move, waiting to strike.

"It's like a ghost town," Octavia murmured in wonder. Bellamy sighed and lifted his walkie, requesting for Miller again.

"Maybe they got chipped," Jasper thought.

"If they got chipped, they'd been waiting for us at the cave," Bellamy dismissed.

"Maybe they saw the open gate, went in for Lincoln's book," Jasper tried again.

Irritated, Octavia rolled her eyes, lowering her sword. "Maybe you should stop saying maybe," she stated with an edge in her tone.

It's quiet for a few seconds before Clarke spoke up. "If they are chipped, ALIE already knows we're coming," she said.

"We'll handle it," June tells her, attempting to reassure Clarke as she had earlier, with faith. Clarke sent her a faint smile as Monty stopped the rover, parking it in place.

June doesn't understand why everyone went silent until she lowered her gun, turning around, to see Octavia had glanced down to the ground near June's boot. She followed her gaze, her brown eyes widening when she sees a puddle of blood near her, the laces dragging in it. June made a noise of surprise and jumped away, her lower lip starting to wobble as her heart broke, knowing exactly what this spot was from.

"Let's get his book and get the hell out of here," Octavia declared, her voice strained as if she's fighting back tears.

"That's a plan I can support," Jasper agreed.

The hangar bay doors open as Monty drove the rover again, driving it inside. June brought her weapon back up again, prepared in case the inside wasn't as empty as the outside, but it's not different in a bit. "Close it up and turn it around," Bellamy called to Monty. He looked to the rest. "We need to get out of here quickly." The doors slide shut once they're all inside, and June put the gun's strap over her shoulder, going to the rover's side door and opening it, giving Raven a hand.

Raven grimaced, looping her good arm over June's shoulder and putting her weight on her as she carefully slid out. "You okay?" June whispered, double-checking. Raven nodded, sliding her arm back, walking by her side as they enter further.

The area is alike to the outside, but the tables are full of playing games like cards, chess and checkers and half-full plates of food. "It's like they just got up and walked away," Clarke observed.

"We're in and out," Bellamy decided. "Pack as much as you can into the rover."

"I'll get the map," Octavia offered. She doesn't give her brother a chance to protest, already taking off down the hall.

Jasper cocked his head in her direction. "I'll uh... Go with her. Probably shouldn't be alone."

"You don't wanna load gear, huh?" Sinclair asked him, amused.

"Not even a little," Jasper admitted honestly, following Octavia's trail.

June knows they fought in the hut while Raven was chipped and haven't been on the best of terms, but she smiled after him, picking up a nearly empty bag from the back of the rover. "I'm going to go stock up on medical supplies," she announced, knowing they were almost out. She had learned a few techniques from Abby, but Clarke was the best nurse they had, and they'd both need the supplies.

𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐮𝐭︱raven reyes, book 2 (o.h.)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant