ii. 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙝𝙚𝙙𝙖 𝙬𝙖𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙖𝙡𝙤𝙣𝙚.

Comenzar desde el principio

"Yes. White war paint," Octavia confirmed. She puts her sword back in its sheath and holds her hand up in surrender before warning them. "Stay calm." It's much easier to say than do, but June takes a deep breath, lowering her gun but putting her finger on the trigger.

"Chon yu bilaik?" One of them demands. (Who are you?) June is glad she understands their native language more, despite struggling with a few words at the courtesy of being taught by Octavia and Lincoln.

"Skaikru," Octavia calls back calmly. "Ste lufa osir kru au." (Sky people. Looking for our people.)

The one behind the leader shares a dark look with the third. "Ste lufa Wanheda au," he sneers. (Looking for the Commander of death.)

"They think we're looking for Wanheda," Octavia mumbled to them. June's forehead creased, having never heard the term before.

"Who's that?" Bellamy questioned.

"I don't know," Octavia whispers back nervously as the one in lead slides off his horse and storms toward them.

"The light." Monty's words cause June to follow his gaze to the man. She sees a type of leather chain hanging from his neck, a contraption over his armor blinking red, hanging at the end. "That's the beacon."

Before June can process what Monty says or decide what to do, Jasper chooses instead. He walks quickly, none of them able to grab them in time as he crosses the line between them and the three who pick up their weapons. "Hey, get back here!" Bellamy demanded, falling deaf to Jasper's ears.

"Jasper!" Octavia hisses, reaching and attempting to grab his hood, only to be shoved away.

"It's okay," Jasper stated. "I got this."

"Stop, Jasper!" June exclaimed through gritted teeth, unsure what the hell he was trying to prove. He ignores her too, even when the Azgeda warriors raise their bows and arrows.

Bellamy desperately called to Octavia. "Tell them we observe the Commander's truce, do it now!"

"Osir gouba ogonzaun kom Heda in!" Octavia tries to explain in a shout. (We observe the Commander's truce!)

This seems to stop them briefly. They lower their bows, eyes flickering to one another to speak without words. That is, until Jasper approaches the one in lead. He narrows his eyes at him before ripping the beacon off, making the leather chain break. "This belongs to us," Jasper declared, holding it up to his face bravely.

Suddenly, Jasper is yanked back and the warrior rips out a knife before pushing it to his neck. June's eyes widen as he hoarsely shouts; "Weron Wanheda kamp raun?!" (Where's Wanheda?!)

"Breik em au!" Bellamy ordered back. (Let him go!)

"Beja!" June begs. "Osir nou na bash yu op!" (Please! We mean you no harm!)

"Osir nou get in chon daunde bilaik!" Octavia shouts. (We don't know who that is!) "Beja, oso na sis choda au, nami!" (Please, we can help each other!)

He doesn't seem to care in any way for their pleads. He doesn't react, not until Jasper starts laughing. June is horrified he finds it funny that there is a knife at his neck. The grounder lets out a snarl. "Yo vout in dison ste leyos?" (You think this is funny?) He starts to slide the blade across Jasper's neck, making him sputter as blood slides out of the freshly open wound.

June doesn't hesitate in lifting her gun again. She points it to the grounders behind the man in lead, firing shots alongside Miller, Raven, and Monty. One by one, they slide off their horses and fall to the ground. "Hold your fire!" Bellamy shouts wildly, holding his hand up to stop them.

𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐮𝐭︱raven reyes, book 2 (o.h.)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora