🎬 A Weekend with Nico (& Lance) 🎬

Start from the beginning


🌞 Is it completed? How often do you update?

N: It is not completed yet, unfortunately. At the moment, it is on a hiatus until the end of March, like most of my other books as I am currently focused on the ONC, but after that, I hope to do weekly updates for it :P

🌞 How did you come up with the book title? What other title might you choose?

N: Honestly, the title was just a spur of the moment thing. My exact thought process was, "Oh! Sir Lancelot! Let's call it The Knight's Tale!"

If I had to choose a different title, it would probably be something Camelot-related or a one word title. I wouldn't change the title, though. I think it fits the book quite well ^~^

🌞 Why did you pick the legend of King Arthur among all the other myths and legends? And where did you get that plot twist idea?

N: Well, it was based on a JustWriteIt prompt in which we had to take a myth or legend and put our own twist. I was considering something Greek but my friend suggested the legend of King Arthur, and honestly his suggestion was just amazing, so I went along with it. The plot twist idea? Every story I write has plot twists in it. It's just a matter of me and Lara's brains I guess :P

🌞 How important is research to you when writing a book? What kind of research did you do, and how long did you spend researching before beginning this book?

N: Wow.....research. Uh, I don't really do much research on books that I write, tbh. I just flipped through a book of King Arthur legends that I had at home and yeah

🌞 Do you work with some outline, or just write?

N: Hmm......I usually only have an outline somewhere near the end of a book, when I'm sure of what I wanna write

🌞 When you write chapters for this book are you listening to music, are you sitting in silence or laughing like crazy?

N: I listen to music. And laugh. And talk to myself and Lara :P

🌞 Is anything in this book based on real life experiences? (personalities, ideals, goals, situations etc)

N: Yes :) but mostly just characters. There's a character based on me. And some of the chapters are partly based on real life experiences translated into fantasy events.

🌞 What was the hardest scene to write? Why?

N: The hardest scene.......well, it hasn't exactly been written yet, but I'm stuck on it. The part where Lance finds out what Guinevere cursed him with. That one's kind of rough around the edges, so that's why it's not published yet.

🌞 What was your favorite chapter or part to write and why?

N: Oh my gods. Definitely the scene where Lance meets Vivianne. It was so funny to write, and I love Vivianne's reactions to Lance's words!

🌞 How have you selected the names of your characters like Adrian, Zach, Viviane, Lance Elliote?

N: Adrian and Zach were from a one-shot I wrote long ago.  Vivianne's just a name I really like, lol. Lance Elliot is actually a pun on Lancelot, so yeah

🌞 What is your favorite and least favorite character? Why?

N: My favourite character? Definitely Lance, hands down. Least fav? I hate Guinevere. I don't hate her in the original version, I just really hate her in my book. She cursed my baby Lance T_T

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