CH. 4

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I don't own My Hero Academia

(Y/n) reappeared with a glare on her face as she laid on the hard and uncomfortable bed. "(Y/n)? How did you get here?" Ito scrambled into the cell-like room with his clipboard.

She looked over at him and sat up slowly, "They we're watching me so I jumped out a window. Then I found out I could teleport, isn't that nice to know." (Y/n) watched as his eyes widened in surprise before they turned into panic.

"They're gonna start looking for you, (Y/n). You were supposed to stay there for protection and to maybe even find friends but instead you jumped out a window? Did you even know you could teleport when you did it?" Ito questioned anxiously while (Y/n) simply rolled her eyes.

She adjusted the position she was sitting in before crossing her arms. "Of course I didn't know, it's why I did it. Might as well die then having them watch my every move and accidentally find out about my Quirk's origin." (Y/n) huffed and Ito sighed exasperatedly.

"(Y/n), you can't do that. We don't have any idea of when you're going to disappear and with that incident yesterday god knows how much that quickened the process!" He ranted as (Y/n) stood up to leave.

Her body ached from the over usage of her Quirk, her legs feeling numb and her body only just getting back feeling. "Well, guess I'll be getting back to U.A. with the obsessive teachers." She pouted making Ito breath out loudly.

He helped her walk out to the cafeteria where scientists and volunteers ate lunch. "You have visitors by the way, I'll bring them to your table." Ito said before sitting her in a chair and walking off.

(Y/n) rubbed her face tiredly, thinking back to when she jumped out of the window. 'What am I gonna do. They're probably going to lock me inside a classroom and let All Might give me a crap lesson.' She groaned before a hand landed harshly on her head.

"Young (L/n)!" All Might's voice boomed begins her. "What did you think you were doing when you jumped out that window?"

She quietly died a little inside as him and Aizawa sat down in the chairs in front of her. "Jumping out a window clearly. Why couldn't you just leave me here? I thought I had a choice, unless that was taken away once you started watching me?" (Y/n) rose a brow at them.

All Might shifted in his seat, trying to fit into the tiny chair that obviously couldn't hold his weight or fit his muscles body. "Listen kid, we're just trying to make sure you don't evaporate into thin air without anyone knowing. But with you disappearing like that we won't know if you disappeared willingly or not." Aizawa snapped at her with his arms crossed lazily.

"I don't care about dying anymore." (Y/n) glared heatedly at the two of them. "I've given up on trying to find out why my Quirk is doing this, I've given up on friends and I've given up on living. So leave me here so I could die with someone I care about."

They were indifferent, her outburst seemingly not phasing them outwardly. Though on the inside, they were shocked to find the girl wholeheartedly done with even thinking about a chance of survival.

"We just want to help you, (L/n). Dr. Ito wanted you to come to U.A. for a shot at having friends or living at least a little bit happier and we want to help you achieve that but you need to try and help us a bit too." All Might stated and leaned forward, desperately trying to convince her.

(Y/n) glanced down at her hands and sighed, "I just want privacy. I don't want anyone watching me or basically waiting for me to leave here." They nodded before she shook her head.

"I'll go back, but only if I can do things on my own. Nobody watching me, nobody following me, no nothing. I want to be treated like the other students." She haggled with them and they hesitantly nodded again.

"We may need to talk with the principal about that but I think that's fine. I really should be heading back now, I have class in a few minutes and I don't want to keep those kiddies waiting!" All Might shot out of his chair and dashed off leaving Aizawa annoyed with (Y/n).

"That man is the opposite of what people think he is." He mumbled to himself as (Y/n) stared at where he once was.

"Did-did he just say 'kiddies'?"


Aizawa and (Y/n) made it to U.A. a little bit after lunch finished. "Don't go running off again, Alright? I'm not the one who'll be going after you next time." He said as they walked through the doors.

"Whatever. I'll disappear before I'm able to, I think I sped up process." She pursed her lips and stared at her shoes. (Y/n) hadn't yet gotten a new uniform and her clothes differentiated her from everyone else quite obviously.

Aizawa glanced down at her, "What do you mean?" He asked as she bit her lip.

"I'm pretty sure that whenever I use my Quirk I make my disappearing process go quicker. That's why I rarely use it unless it becomes too much pent up power in my body, a side effect of my Quirk apparently." (Y/n) explained making Aizawa slowly nod his head, taking in the information.

The two made it to the principals office a few moments later. Aizawa left soon after to tech his class, that he was late for, and (Y/n) was alone in front of the door.

She knocked before entering and seen the white creature sitting behind his desk with a cup of tea. "(L/n), take a seat. We have a lot to talk about." Nezu used his paw to motion at the chair foot away from his desk.

(Y/n) sat down carefully while examining the room, stopping when she heard him chuckle. "There isn't any traps in here, that certainly be a bit weird wouldn't it?" Nezu smiled and his small eyes blinked.

"Not if you were smart." She commented before the room got serious. He placed the cup back onto his desk and cleared his throat.

"I've heard of the recent events that have taken place in the past day and I wanted to say that I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable here. So uncomfortable that you jumped out of a window in hopes of escaping." Nezu apologized with sincerity clear in his voice.

(Y/n) rolled her eyes with a sarcastic smile on her lips. "I don't want an apology. All Might said that you might be willing to let up on the watching and obsessive stalking. I'd like if you'd agree to it because it's the only way I'd come back here." She mentioned one of the subjects that had taken place in the earlier conversation.

Nezu closed his eyes for a moment and nodded his head, "Yes, if that is what you'd like then I'll tell them to stop. Is there anything else that I need to be told?"

(Y/n) hesitated for a minute before continuing. "I think that me using my Quirk speeds up the process of me disappearing." She added and Nezu hummed, thinking it over for awhile.

She waited for his response by fiddling with her fingers, nervously picking at a hangnail.

"Well, is there any fighting alternative you may want to use instead of your Quirk?"

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