CH. 12

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I don't own My Hero Academia

"Project Facsimile, we've already got candidates waiting in line." Dr. Ito declared as him and his superior strutted down the laboratory's hallways. Doctor Botan Gima, the man Ito was desperately trying to convince, nodded in thought while the two stopped in front of a window.

People varying in age stood in a line against a wall, from elders all the way to children all who don't have Quirks. Dr. Botan examined each of them carefully but one stood out to him the most. Near the end of the line stood a preteen who wore a blank expression and was continuously glancing around at the room she was situated in.

Ito noticed the man staring at the girl and flipped the papers on his clipboard to a specific page, "Her name is (L/n) (Y/n), the girls parents dropped her off and left before we could get a word in. Gotta feel bad for the kid, parent's probably didn't even want her." Botan turned his head to man beside him before sighing.

"If we do this project we'd be breaking the law. We could be sent to jail and these innocent people would be coming along with us." He said while staring at (Y/n), noticing the way she nervously picked at her nails. Ito was quiet for a moment before making eye-contact with the older man, "But if we do this then all these people could possibly have Quirks! They could have a fair chance at being a Pro-Hero, one of them could be the next All Might."

Dr. Botan gave one last glance at all of the volunteers and waved his hand. "Fine. Do this and make sure that at least one of them has an artificial Quirk or whatever it is you're doing." He muttered and walked off.

Ito grinned before nodding to himself. A guard standing by the door leading into the room opened it and let Ito inside, sending a brief smile to him. (Y/n) looked up upon hearing the creaky metal door open and Ito cleared his throat to begin talking. "All of you here came today because you wanted a Quirk and I can assure you, we will do the best we can to give you one."

(Y/n) slipped in and out of consciousness as the poison continued working it's way into her system. Her feet dragged against the ground as someone pulled her along with them, seemingly not caring how they handled her. (Y/n) peeled her eyes opened and her vision was hazy, only barely being able to see the person dragging her. "Hey," She slurred but her kidnapper didn't respond. "Hey! You're the one that-that put that stuff in me, take it out." (Y/n) spoke louder and the woman dropped her onto the ground.

"My boss wants to keep you, says you're valuable." She snapped as (Y/n)'s droopy eyes tried to focus on her. "Can I at least know your name?" (Y/n) asked drunkenly and the woman chuckled. "Ena. I already know your name so I guess it's only right." Ena said as (Y/n) blinked her heavy eyes. She couldn't get anymore words out so she kept quiet, only looking around her blurry surroundings.

"You've missed all the good stuff, your teacher looks close to death right now and your classmates have a death wish." Ena commented and (Y/n) perked her head up. "What-Whatdya mean? What happened to then?!" (Y/n) struggled to say as she pushed weakly against the ground to get up.

She only managed to get to her knees when Ena kicked her back down, her chest hitting the ground harshly and the air being knocked out of her lungs. A dry cough left her as she tried to breath. Ena stared at her in disgust when blood dropped from (Y/n)'s lips from her heavy coughs, "Don't even try. You'll be retrieved when All Might gets here or if my boss decides he wants you now."

(Y/n)'s body started tingling and she couldn't have been happier. "Well, I hope your fine waiting on your own. You really should be fired." (Y/n) snickered as her body glitched before fading into pixels. Ena gawked at the place (Y/n) once was before letting out a shout of frustration and confusion.

Proxima jumped when (Y/n) burst through her front door, skin having a purple tint to it as she stumbled to the floor. The older (h/c) hurried over to close the door before dropping down beside her counterpart. "Hey, Hey, what's wrong? Are you okay?" She frantically questioned and (Y/n) shook her head, pointing to herself.

"Poisoned. She poisoned me." (Y/n) breathlessly informed making Proxima furrow her brows. She looked over her body before nodding at (Y/n), "This might hurt a bit, but it will get the poison out." (Y/n) glanced up at Proxima confused before the woman placed a hand on her clothed chest.

Pain exploded across her body as she felt the poison wriggling around in her body; it was like she could feel everything happening in her veins. (Y/n)'s mouth fell agape and the veins on her neck turned a dark purple as the poison made its way towards Proxima's outstretched hand. The purple liquid clumped together in a ball in Proxima's hand after it was released from (Y/n)'s veins, her paralysis and pain going away almost like someone flicked a switch.

Grabbing a cup, Proxima let the liquid rest in it before stretching a hand out to (Y/n), who was still laying on the ground. "You really need to teach me how to do that." (Y/n) remarked as she was hauled up. Her legs were gaining feeling back quickly and the only pain she had was the aches from using her Quirk so much.

"You shouldn't be here." Proxima stated, (Y/n) tilting her head in confusion. "What do you mean? I came here like any other time." She asked and Proxima sighed. "How much of your Quirk did you use? It's barely been 24 hours since you last came here." She reproached while (Y/n) thought back to the fight with Aizawa.

(Y/n) picked at her nails before glancing away. "Villains we're attacking the training facility we were at, I was fighting with Aizawa to keep them away from my classmates." She explained causing Proxima to bite her lip to stop herself from lecturing (Y/n).

"You has a choice to not do it. Aizawa would have been fine on his own, you wouldn't be here right now if you wouldn't have." She calmly responded and (Y/n) shook her head in annoyance. "I'm not a coward, I don't run from fights that endanger others. If I didn't fight with Mr. Aizawa then I would be probably be dead." (Y/n) tried to get it through to her other self but the woman closed her eyes.

They were silent for a moment before Proxima spoke up. "I didn't fight when those villains attacked." She began, (Y/n)'s eyes flickering up to hers. "I didn't fight and Aizawa was on the verge of death while my classmates fought off the villain in charge. I'm guessing they caught you like they almost caught me, they know who are and they aren't going to let up anytime soon."

(Y/n) pursed her lips as they stayed in silence again, the only sound being the freaks of the beaten down apartment Proxima lives in. "The woman said they needed me. Is it because I was the only one to survive the experiments? I'm the only real one with an actual artificial Quirk?" (Y/n) whispered glumly and Proxima nodded her head slowly.

"This world is bullshit." Muttered (Y/n) as Proxima poured two glasses of water, sliding one over to (Y/n). "You said it. Though you don't even know what's coming for you in the future." Proxima spoke over her glass and gulped it down. Before (Y/n) could take a sip of hers, the tingling came back signaling her leave.

They waved to each other before (Y/n) disappeared and reappeared back in front of Ena. (Y/n)'s feet hit the ground and dust flew up around them, glares clashing as their eyes met.

"You poisoned me." (Y/n) hissed while standing up straight. Ena smiled sadistically, "For a good reason." Her reply was before (Y/n) and her began fighting.

Eskrima sticks clashed against poisoned dipped claws as the fight ensued.

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