New Family

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It takes a few minutes until the portal let's me fall. I turn while I'm falling to not fall on my stomach. I don't hit the ground hard. I get up and look around. I'm right in front of an institute. I walk to the institute door and knock hard enough they could here me. A girl with brown hair and eyes opens the door. "Hello?"

"Hi, I'm Clary. I left the New York institute to forget about some people."

"I'm Jasmyne and welcome to the California Institute. You can stay here. I don't think my brothers, brothers in laws and sisters will care. "

"Okay, Thank you."

"Oh, come in." Jasmyne says moving to let me in. We start walking down a hall of the institute.

"Your room will be right by mine. Here is my room," She says and pointing to a door and walks to the next door. "Here's your room. We can go let you meet my family whenever. They're in the pool." Jasmyne says.

"Okay. Can I call my mom? I want her to know where I am but not anyone else. You can stay in here if you want."

"Okay. I will stay in here and I think we will get along swimmingly." Jasmyne says with a smile on her face. I grab my phone. "Me too. I will call her now."


I dial my mom's number.


"Hello? Clary?"

"Mom. I'm not in New York anymore. I left. Jace cheated on me and I couldn't stay living there. I'm at the California Institute."

"Okay. I won't tell anyone. I'll call you tomorrow." and she was about to hang up.

"Wait! Mom. I'm also p-." but it is to late she already hung up and I close my phone.


"Clary. Your?" Jasmyne says. I start to sob.

"I'll tell all of you when I meet the rest."

"Okay, then let's go."

We walk down the hall to a room with a 12ft pool in the middle of the room. There was seven people in the pool.

"Laim, Drake, Rosa, Jasper, Hunter, Azalea and Lilly, this is Clary." Jasmyne says.

They get out of the pool. "I'm Laim." Says a smiling boy with blonde hair and blue eyes. I blush and smile back.

"I'm Drake."

"I'm Rosa."

"I'm Jasper."

"I'm Hunter."

"I'm Azalea."

"I'm Lilly."

"Nice to meet all of you."

"Clary you said you'd tell me when you met them." Jasmyne says.

"Okay, okay. I'm pregnant. Four months." I say and they all look at me, shocked.

"We will be with you in this, your family now." Says Jasper.

"Thank you so much."

"It's not a problem." Lilly says.

"Are you hungry,  I will cook for us." Says Azalea.

"I am a little now. Can you make pizza?" I say. "Yes, I will go start cooking." Azalea says and walks out to go to the kitchen.

"So do you know how many kids your having." Says Jasmyne.

"Yes,  I'm having quadruplets." I say.

"Oh. I see it." Hunter says.

Before I or anyone else could slap him or say something Azalea yelled at us saying that the food was done.

We all ate and I knew I was part of the family and I wouldn't leave.


Jace POV:

What had I just done? I just lost the best girl that ever existed. And for what? A girl who was a slut. I can't even remember her name. Was it Kayla? Just Kay? I don't even care. I have to find Clary.

"Jace, what did you do?" Isabelle yells.

"Accidently cheated on her."


That's when I got punch in the face. And I just let it happen, I deserved it after what I did. Isabelle and Alec left and went to do what they were doing before or something. I went to go look for Clary around the city.

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