She's an Angel

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After the kiss with Jace, the girls and I trick the demons into going to the alley. The boys wait there with weapons in their hands. There was about thirty demons.

We started fighting but it was like everytime we killed one, fifteen came back. Soon their was about a hundred demons but their was more coming. I was getting pissed.

"Everyone bats now! Jace, Isabelle and Alec think of the form of a bat." I say. Everyone does. The demons laughed thinking we give up. I don't think so.

'What about you Clary' I heard in my head. It was Jace.

"I will be fine." I say before jumping into the air making my angel wing sprouted out of my back, my hand in front of me letting fire out killing the demons instantly. The demons don't come back with angelfire.

When the demons were all back in hell or wherever they go, we all changed back. I swiftly flew to the ground. My wings retrieved into my back.

"Y-you are an angel!" Isabelle yells.

"Yes." I said before drawing a portal rune on a brick. We walked threw back to the Arizona institute. Lindsey was watching the end of Frozen with the kids. Some of my group joined them.

I got Jasmyne, Jon, Izzy and Jace to follow me before walking into the library to the huge table. I put the rune of my evil plannings on the table.

We started forming the plan.

Time for the evil job. This is going to be fun and it starts with my concert.

I don't know if I am going to finish this. But I was in the mood to write.

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