train theory (MAJOR TW)

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legit there's lowkey a suicide in here and LOTS of blood.  It's horror so it's lowkey creepy and pretty gory, so PLEASE PLEASE do NOT read this if u are triggered by any of this. 
Stay safe.  Stay alive.

My feet, moving independently from the rest of my body, carried me like a waltz through the graying forest.  Pitch black skies hung over me like a piano on a string in those old cartoons.  Purple clouds sparsely painted over what little stars were visible from the outskirts of the city that I bordered.

Distant bustling of cars and passing planes droned in my ears alongside the crunch of the leaves under my loose, worn-out Converse.  Cigarette in hand, I mindlessly moved it in and out of my mouth, barely letting the buzz sink in with all the noise clambering inside my head. 

As I moved slowly, I only allowed myself to focus on the train tracks to my left.  They looked cold, rusted, and overused.  It was as if only glancing at them would cause the screeching of train to pierce the quiet night.  My smokey breath hugging my face momentarily, I looked out to the beautiful city just long enough for me to shoo the smoke from the air.  As if naturally magnetized, my eyes locked on the tracks again.

Walking only a bit farther, the cold breezes seemed to get only colder as I took my steps forward.  Taking what last bit of my cigarette I could manage, I bit my lip on the inhale and tossed the butt to the side.  Step forward only a few more times, and I found the coldest air in the forest:

It settled, unmoving, over a section of the train tracks that had been completely stained with dry, crimson blood.

Hairs standing on my neck, I crouched down to examine it more closely.  Closing in, I noticed more and more.  Streaks of red stretched haunting along the tracks far ahead of me - farther than I could even see.  It had clearly pooled mainly in one ditch-like area near the tracks, even somewhat taunting the ground as if it was fresh in some places but not others.

Uncomfortably intrigued, I stared for another minute before I noticed bright lights on the trees from behind me.  Out in the distance, came a screaming whistle from atop a black locomotive.

I sighed, stepping further away from the tracks, safely to the side.  With closer inspection, there was a figure on the other side of the tracks that seemed to be moving with rapid succession toward them.  With this figure's target locked in onto the blood pool on the ground and the train only seconds away from passing us by, it screamed out to me.

"You screwed it up again!"  She yelled, finally showing me her face.

It was me.

Throwing herself before the train, I blocked by eyes, horrified.  With fear of death beating holes into my heart, I threw myself into a panicked sprint in the direction from which I came.

Tears fogging my vision, I stopped, exhausted, thinking I was only a minute or two from my home.  Wiping my tears, I sighed, looking back to the ground.  To my confusion, I saw the same train tracks to my left.

My feet began to wander again, leading a new cigarette back up to my lips.

"Stay alive everybody. It's worth it.  I promise."

A/N: I realize this is an awful first story to post on this, but I'll try to think up something a little more lighthearted for the next one.  I just had this looping concept in my head and I wanted it in here.  Maybe something cute and romantic or something next idk.  Probably just gonna be something about a dog or cat, knowing me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2019 ⏰

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