Part 21

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Olivia POV:
It was Friday, the day before my second competition at the ALDC! Our competition this weekend is in Las Vegas so we are flying there. Today we are rehearsing the group dance in the morning and than going to the airport to go to the competition. I had packed my suitcases when I got home last night and my mom was all packed also. I woke up sort of late so I just had time to eat breakfast. I than put all of our stuff in the car and went to the studio.

When I got there I saw Brynn and we just started talking.

O: Hey Brynnie
B: Hey Liv. You excited for the competition?
O: Yep so excited!
B: Same

By that time everyone had arrived, including Jojo. Apparently Jojo was going to be coming the competition with us but not competing.

We started group rehearsal and the routine was looking really clean. We only rehearsed for an hour and Abby wanted us to show the duets. Johnny and I went and Abby said

A: Amazing! Do that at the competition!

I was beaming while Maddie and Carson went. They did really well as well and Abby agreed. It was now Kendall and Hayden's turn. It was looking sort of sloppy and Kendall looked really stressed out. Abby was yelling at them and I felt really bad for Kendall. Kendall than said

K: I can't do this anymore!

and ran out of the room. Hayden was just standing there awkwardly and Jill ran out of the room to console Kendall. Abby than said

A: This is what happens when you don't practice enough.

After waiting there for like five minutes Kendall and Jill came back into the room and I ran and gave Kendall a hug. Kendall and Hayden ran the dance one more time and it was looking a little bit better. After that, it was time to go to the airport. We all drove with our moms in their cars to get there.

Once we were there we all got our tickets and went through security. The airport was really busy since it was a Friday and people kept on coming up to us and saying

Fan 1: omg it's the dance moms girls


Fan 2: I am your biggest fan

It was really sweet but got sort of annoying because it took us longer to get to our gate.

Finally we got there, however, and it was time for us to board.

Flight attendant: Final call for flight 1 to Las Vegas, Nevada.

When I got on the plane I realized I was sat next to Johnny. Yay! The seats were rows of two so it was just us two. Once we sat down Johnny said

J: hey seat buddy
O: hey

The flight was only two hours and I was sleeping on Johnny the whole time. By the time I knew it we had landed and we were in Vegas! We got off the plane, got our luggage, and we were ready to compete this weekend.

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