✧ 10 ✧

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lolita 😔:
haven't spoken to u in almost 24 hours r u okay
ok i'm gonna stop being clingy BUT please message back soon chief

lolita 😔:
it's been two days and i'm just wondering if everything's okay
you normally message back within an hour or so
you haven't tweeted either

lolita 😔:
i hope you're okay b x

george 😡:
i'm alive
just feeling a little shit lately
i'll be okay though
gotta respect the hustle 👀👊🏻

lolita 😔:
it's okay b! wanna facetime tonight?
might make you feel better x

george 😡:
yeah x
i reckon it would make me feel better :)

lola waited patiently in bed as she awaited the facetime request to come through, sighing in relief as she finally saw his contact picture pop up onto the screen.

"finally, took your time." she joked instantly as she accepted the facetime request.

"alright, alright, i was taking a quick shower!" he chuckled, perching his phone up against his open laptop as he reached behind his head, tightening his bandana slightly. "you're super clingy at times."

suddenly, lola's heart dropped as she heard george's words.

"—in a cute way, obviously."

"i-i thought you meant it in a bad way, at first." she let out a breath that she didn't know she was holding, running a hand through her brown locks as she smiled softly into the camera. "i thought you was calling me annoying, but in a subtler way."

"you aren't annoying, lola. far from it. i actually think your clinginess is adorable."

"adorable?!" lola blurted out, her eyes widening suddenly as she attempted to process his words. "..you think my clinginess is adorable? what's happened to you?"

"actually, i think you're adorable in general. probably the most adorable person i've ever crossed paths with."

"you're full of shite, george memeulous."


this was a load of shite and i apologise 😳 next chapter will be better, promise x

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