✧ 08 ✧

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"wow, you look even better than in your pictures."

lola stared blankly into the phone camera as the words left george's lips, a wide smile soon appearing on her chapped lips as her cheeks blushed softly.

he probably saw.

she tried her hardest to hide it though.

"you're all talk, memeulous." she spoke playfully, rolling her eyes as she knew he was just saying it to be polite.

"i'm being serious, lola, you're stunning," his words came out quick yet soft, making the girl blush even deeper than before. "don't you believe me?"

"you're talking smack, shut up before i punch you."

"and how exactly are you going to manage that? i live in central london."

the brunette once again rolled her eyes as she sat up a little bit more in her bed, resting her free arm on the pile of pillows beside her.

"i only love two hours away from you! might have to take a trip down to see you one day."

"it's been a little over a week lola, slow down."

if she had rolled her eyes any harder, they surely would be on the bed sheets by now. of course george would get the wrong end of the stick.

"i bloody know that! i didn't mean, like, next week,"

she watched as the boy in the bandana laughed softly at her response, her dimples beginning to show as she smiled brightly at his reaction.

"so tell me, mr memeulous. when can i see that face of yours?"

"depends. might take it off for next time."

"sounds suggestive," lola teased, snickering quietly at her own humour. "nah but in all seriousness, i'm excited. it's like a big reveal. i can't wait."

"someone sounds keen?" the male on the other side of the screen replied, clearly amused by her curiosity and excitement.

"i guess you could say that, yeah. it's just— i've never facetimed someone who doesn't show their face. kinda defeats the purpose in a way."

she watched carefully through the camera as he moved his hand up to his right shoulder, watching him scratch lightly at the black fabric.

"i get your point, but, i'm anonymous. people know my voice, sure, but they don't know what i look like. well, some do."

and with that, their conversation bloomed. man questions were asked, and many questions were answered. despite knowing each other for such a short amount of time— they felt as if they had known each other for a lot longer. during that particular call, they both discovered their love for music, art, and much, much more.
minutes turned into hours, and hours could have potentially turned into days if it wasn't for the fact lola had college the next morning.

"it's 2am, george." lola yawned, rubbing at her tired eyes with her spare hand. "i have to be in college by 8, which means i need to be up roughly around 6."

"you're in college? you don't look old enough."

"shut up, nonce."

"i'm gonna let that comment slide, seeing as you've been nice to me all evening."

lola smiled tiredly into the camera as she hovered her thumb over the hang up button, stifling a yawn as she battled to keep her eyes open any longer.

"it was lovely talking to you george, i promise i'll call you earlier next time, and i won't call you on a night where i have lectures the next morning."

"it's fine, i don't mind, i just like your company." george spoke softly, his hand fiddling with the cap on top of his head for a split second before waving into the camera. "goodnight lolita!"

"goodnight memeulous."


i promise this'll get more interesting 🤪

𝐰𝐞𝐢𝐫𝐝 𝐟𝐥𝐞𝐱 ➳ 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐮𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant