Chapter 6: New Complications

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A couple of days later they were still stuck in the suite but the castle had allowed a goblin contingent secret entry onto her grounds and into the suite. The petition on behalf of the founders and of the three still trapped wizards had gone off without a hitch. Somehow Flitwick had taken that successful petition and turned it into a full out cleansing ritual free of charge.

The cleansing ritual went off without a hitch but the Potter luck decided to come out and play shortly afterwards. The moment the magic cleared the goblins could tell they had missed something when the participants were checked over. The look on Voldemort's face was terrifying as he took a step away from his still dazed roommates, placing himself between them and everyone else who had been in the suite to help with the ritual.

"Get out," Voldemort's voice rang out like cold steel striking steel. He glared at them with his ruby colored eyes until they left, keeping himself in a shielding position between the Gringotts group and his roommates. A random dash of gratefulness crossed his mind as his mind momentarily flashed to how Nagini would have reacted had she won the argument and been in the room.

"These are the lists of what was healed, removed, or otherwise cleansed. Should any of you experience unusual side effects not listed on the continuing treatment page please either come to Gringotts for treatment or owl us immediately. Merry Christmas to you," The goblin healer said unperturbed as she ushered everyone out of the suite. Voldemort ignored the seasonal greeting and eyed them all warily as they filed out with Minerva carefully closing the door behind them.

The moment the door was safely shut he wandlessly summoned his wand and tossed numerous locking charms at the door they left through before whirling around and reaching for the closest of his two roommates. Snape dazedly found himself snogging his former master, whimpering under the sudden pleasurable assault and melting like hot butter into the demanding embrace. A surprised squeak from Harry brought them out of the lust induced haze as the youth tried to slip away. Harry quickly tried the nearest door in an attempt to leave his roommates in peace as he ignored the sudden pang of sadness that made his chest hurt. He was shocked to find himself suddenly flying across the room as Voldemort accioed him into their arms, wasting no time as the man trapped Harry between them.

"Mine. You are both mine," Voldemort said fiercely before backing both wizards into a wall, trapping both of them in his arms and proceeding to kiss them both senseless. It was Harry's sagging exhaustion that brought him back to reality, prompting Voldemort to usher them all into the bed and cuddling both of them close as they fell into an exhausted sleep. They were woken by a scream of pain from Harry as he thrashed in their arms and bed several hours later.

"Oh dear, I didn't expect for that to happen," Salazar muttered uncomfortably. "Certainly not on Christmas Eve."

"What's wrong with him?" Voldemort demanded even as they both held Harry down so that he wouldn't hurt himself or them.

"The cleansing ritual must have accelerated the transformation a bit. Considering how many blocks he had on his core I really should have expected this. Just as I should have expected how you reacted when the inhibiting magic was removed and the other gifts from the blood adoption settled in your blood. For now all that you can do is make him comfortable. When his fangs come in both of you will need to feed him a bit of your blood so that he doesn't attack you," Salazar told them swiftly. "Then we wait, he will either accept you as family or as his mate, this will prevent him from attacking you and encourage him to ask you for help. Depending on how violent the rest of the transformation becomes one of us is going to need to blood adopt him to help stabilize his condition."

All of the founders watched anxiously as both men carefully fed some of their blood to the youth the moment they noticed fangs flashing in his screaming mouth. Harry immediately began to settle once the taste of blood was on his tongue, his breathing deepening back into the rhythm of sleep.

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