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At the Pack , Akela was in danger with Shere Kahn and Tabaqui . After seeing Kaa , Mowgli takes the "Red Flower" and runs to the pack just in time to stop Kahn from killing the alpha leader .

Mowgli- Nooo !

Bagheera- Mowgli !

Baloo and the wolves were aghast he brought the red flower with him. The wolves whimper and back away , including Nisha. Tabaqui hides behind Shere Kahn . Mowgli goes to the front and starts threatening the bad wolves and the murderous tiger with it .

Mowgli- No !

Akela looks down in humiliation. Mowgli yells and continues chasing and threatening the bad wolves . Shere Kahn growls and attempts to walk closer until Mowgli spots him and tries to whack him with the fire !

Mowgli- If I ever see you here you again , I will set your hide ablaze and watch you burn alive !

Kahn- ( growls )  I will taste your blood , Man-Cub !

He and Tabaqui storm off as it began to drizzle. Nisha remained silent and frightened as Mowgli walks up to Akela with the burning branch. Akela's head hung low with dishonor.

Akela- Leave.

Mowgli became shocked. He thought he did the right thing helping them.

Mowgli- What ?

Akela- You have... Turned the weapons of men upon us. You have brought the pack great shame... You have brought me great shame. Leave.

Having no option , he turns around and slowly walks away. He looks at everyone giving him frightful looks and expressions. He glances at Baloo , giving Mowgli a glare that read "How could you ?" and glances at Bagheera who has a betrayed look .

As it poured heavier , Mowgli runs far away from the pack and back into the Man Village where he gets captured and knocked out .

To Be Continued......

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