Chapter 1: Kidnapped

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"Apparently Lucius needs a lesson in how we treat someone else's property." Voldemort said with a mirror scowl of his own, his ruby eyes blazing in fury. There was no way he was going to admit that it had been more than a memory that Harry had faced. "Potter, that... trinket was meant to be kept safe, not make its way into the hands of a little girl. Well, not unless I was actually dead anyway."

"Well that's something at least." Harry said grumpily, then something occurred to him that made him snicker. "He was so mad when I tricked him into freeing Dobby! I don't think he was actually thinking when he tried to kill me, even if we were alone aside from Dobby. Dobby knocked him down before he could say Kedavera. It was funny."

"Lucius tried to kill you in your second year?" Snape asked faintly.

"Its not like I knew what the spell was at the time." Harry said carelessly. "I saw how Dobby was forced to punish himself and how Mr. Malfoy treated him. It wasn't much better than what I have to deal with every summer. But then you know about that, especially since my letter was addressed to my cupboard."

"Cupboard? Boy, I have no idea what you're talking about. The letters are written and addressed with an enchanted quill. No one sees the student's addresses except the Headmaster or his deputy and only under certain circumstances. Any muggleborns appear on a list in the Deputy's office with relevant contact information after some sort of a response is received through the post. There are squibs and the occasional witch or wizard working in the muggle post system to make certain that post arrives where it ought to, especially Hogwarts letters." Snape informed him harshly, ignoring Harry's flinch at being called 'boy'.

"But Dumbledore said I had to go back. He said I should be greatful and that the Dursleys is the only safe place. If that's true why is he even letting me come to Hogwarts? Why does everyone tell me that Hogwarts is the safest place? I asked to stay during the summers! I asked! I even offered to pay with everything that's in my vault!" Harry protested, his frustration clearly leaking through in his tone.

A moment later, in the following shocked silence they heard a metallic click. They watched as one of the chains that were wrapped around Harry simply let go of the wall it was anchored to and disintegrated link by link until it had unraveled and reached the other anchor in the floor. The other two wizards looked at Harry in shock. Harry returned their gaze with equal startlement before dawning comprehension spread across all their faces.

"So, we speak about ourselves, truthfully, and are released bit by bit." Snape voiced in resignation.

"The question becomes how much are we required to share and whether the enchantments will accept innocuous things or if it must be something important." Voldemort said thoughtfully. "If what Potter told us was completely true then he shared a great deal, much of it important, no matter how he phrased it. Will the enchantments allow for partial revelation or partial truths?"

"I don't know, but do you think it will let me up to use the loo?" Harry asked hopefully.

In response they heard a quiet pop as a house elf of indeterminate age popped in with 3 trays of food. The elf, after setting the food trays on the table, waved its hand at them. Harry, much to his embarrassment, could feel the pressure in his bladder disappear and supposed that what was inside it had been magicked away or vanished.

"Elf, release us." Snape ordered sharply, recognizing the crest on the elf's converted towel uniform.

"I's can'ts bes doing that Professor Snapey. Hoggywarts placed youse in the rooms and Hoggywarts will lets you go when Hoggywarts is ready. I's being in charge of taking cares of youse until Hoggywarts lets youse go." The elf informed them. "Hoggywarts magic says youse must talk. Hoggywarts magic says youse promise no harm chains not beings needed. I's allowed to deliver messages and sends owlsy post for youse. Hoggywarts magic will protect youse and check messages. I's allowed to bring one visitor each for little whiles. No Headmasters, no scary Black ladys, no Hagrids, no Aurors, no Ministers, no werewolves, no panicky masters or mistresses. Youse pick one visitor, no mores."

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