"They escaped. How is Kayla?" Reported Alibaba.

"She will be okay I think but we aren't sure just yet." Hakuei explains to the temporary allies.

"Alright." Morg stepped up to Kayla and looked at her with sorrow filled eyes.

Judar's POV

Kayla's psyche is extremely dark. Since we have been traveling through her mind, we have seen all kinds of things. The loss of her parents, the death of her brother, her time as a slave, her creepy ex master. It all made me sick! It made me wonder why she never mentioned it before but at the same time I understand why.

"We're almost there." Aladdin reassured me even though I didn't need it.

We were then plunged into a thick, dark forest. "Is Kayla here?" My question was rewarded with the sound of my own voice.

"Are you just gonna keep cryin or what?!" I heard someone crying. Someone who sounded exactly like Kayla. I rushed around a few trees and found my girl crying on the ground with a man standing over her. A man who looked exactly like me except he held gleam of hostility for Kayla in his eyes.

"Kayla? Are you okay?" I asked concerned but I didn't get a response.

"Yeah she does that. Completely worthless! I've tried everything to get her to talk. Ice, magic, yelling, torture but nothing works." The fake me said in a bored tone. Aladdin was shocked and didn't know how to respond to such a situation, on the other hand, I was furious.

"Why would you treat her that way?! Answer me, dammit!"

"Because she deserves it. What other reason is there?"

I grit my teeth. "No she doesn't deserve it. She doesn't deserve to be treated so badly all her life and get nothing good in return. She deserves anything better than me."

The other Judar laughed. "And who do you think you're kidding?! You can't love a broken piece of garbage like thi-"

"You're wrong! Now get away from her and leave us." He let out groans and complaints but left anyway. I ran up to Kayla who was still crying on the ground.

"Why did you do this for me? You're putting yourself in danger by coming here." She wouldn't look up.

I wrapped my arms around her. "You know why, you idiot. I love you, ya know. Now fess up your feelings too so I don't look stupid." She let out a small laugh in response and lifted her head so she could look into my eyes.

"I love you too, Judar." She blushes and the dark forest became so much lighter and more colorful. Aladdin smiles at us before releasing the spell he cast.

We woke up with a large group around us. "Hey will you guys just back off. She's-" Kayla interrupted me with a weak hug.

"Ju Ju... I missed you." Her body was still thorn and broken so I just planted a kiss on top of her head.

"I missed you too... Kuniome." She tensed some when she heard her real name come from my mouth. She cried into my shoulder and started babbling something that no one could make out.

"Awe. Judar's a sweetheart." Kougyoku cheered.

"You want me to come over there and hurt you?" I threatened while beginning to stand up.

My love cried out in pain. "Dammit, sorry Kayla. I forgot."

"It's oka-" She fell asleep then. I flew us to her room and all of the healers were called in, including the moron's Yamuraiha.

"She'll be okay just make sure she doesn't do anything too straining and have her sleep plenty and eat well." Yam informed me after she finished healing Kayla's wounds.

"Yeah thanks. I'll have Kouen send you some money sometime for taking care of her." I waved the woman off.

"No it's okay. I'm just glad she's safe." I nodded my head and pushed the woman out of my room so I could lay beside Kayla.

I lay in complete darkness with her that night. She stirred some but she didn't wake up until the next morning. When the scent of peaches hit her nose, she groaned and opened her eyes.

"Kayla? You shouldn't be awake right now. You need more sleep." I pulled some covers over her shoulders.

"Good morning, Judar." She rubbed the sleep from her eyes and sat up, causing the covers to fall off of her delicate skin.

"So you're just gonna ignore me now?" I pouted and crossed my arms out of frustration.

"Of course not, Judar." She slowly leaned her head in to me. "I'm just in the mood to get up rather than stay asleep." She tilted her head to the side so she could kiss me. The wonder of her pink eyes I missed and hearing her voice was enough to make me smile.

'I missed you, idiot.'

Judar x OC - Magi fan fiction Where stories live. Discover now