#3 UA hero academy

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Deku pov

Its been 3 years since I got my new family with the Rose's. Today scarlet and i are going to our first day at UA academy. We have been training for 3 years to get the recommendations for class  1-A, but now we are really here.

As we walked towards our classroom i see a boy with cool red and white hair, he also had a scar on the left side of his face. When we entered the class they all looked up at us. Sensei turned to look at us, we tell him we are the "new kids" and he tells us were to sit.

Todoroki pov

Two kids entered the class they explained to sensei they were the new kids. Just after they sit bokago comes in late and when he saw the new boy he got PISSED. "DEKU YOU DAMM NERD Why the fuck are you here!!!" The boy -deku i think is his name- began to cry the girl turns into flowers and hits him hard he got knocked out immediately. Holy shit she was scary.

Time skip to lunch because im a lazy bich

Deku pov

The boy from this morning asked us if we want to sit with him so we are not lonly we say yes and by the end of the lunch we were friends.

Btw they have dorms

Me and sis get up to go but are stopped by (anime reference) king explosion murder "if it isn't the worthless NERD deku or did you loos your mom and your brain" at that i felt more tears well up in my eyes i ran to the dorm and went straight to the bathroom and grabbed my razer, i made 3 deep cuts and watch the blood flow out of my arm i get myself bandaged up and sit on my bed to cry. "Are you proud of me mom look at me im a mess. I cry myself to sleep.

Tbc bye

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