Chapter 7

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A few hours after our encounter with the Brooklyn boys. We made our way back to Newsies square where everyone was waiting for us. We arrived at newsies square to see everyone hanging out and playing games while they waited." Heya, Jack, How you’s doin’, Jack?” Race said getting up from where he was gambling. “so, uh, where’s Spot, huh?" Jack looked around at all of the newsies waiting for his answer. “Oh, He was concerned about us being serious. Can you’s imagine that?" Skittery and Race leaned on the statue. “Well, you’s know, Jack, maybe we’s ought to ease off a little, you’s know?” Kid jump in on the conversation, “Without Spot and the others, there’s not enough of us, Jack.” Mush nodded, “maybe we ain't ready, you’s know?" I's shook my head," you’s guys can't be serious.” Skittery took his cigarette out of his mouth. “I's definitely think we should forget about it.” I's rolled my eyes, “ Of course YOU’S would think that Skittery. There isn't a brave bone in ya.” Skittery gave me a dirty look. “ Yeah, I’s mean, we're not Brooklyn.” Race looked down at the ground. “Hey, Who are we’s kidding here? Spot was right. Is it just a game to you’s guys?” Jack said getting frustrated. “ besides our little Angel here caught Spots eye i’s sure he’ll show up just for her.” I's elbowed Jack in the ribs and smacked him on the back to the head. “ Shove a sock in it, Jack, and stop tellin lies.” Davey walked around the statue and began to sing gaining everyone's attention. “Open the gates and seize the day, don't be afraid and don't delay, nothing can break us, no one can make us give out rights away, arise and seize the day.” everyone started dancing, “ Now is the time to seize the day,” Tori and I’s clapped and sang with the rest of the newsies in response, “ now is the time to seize the day,” a large group of boys were dancing in sync, “ send out the call and join the fray,” I's ran out and joined in the dancing. “send out the call and join the fray,”wrongs will be righted, if we're united, let us seize the day” Dave stood in the middle of newsies square, “friend of the friendless, seize the day, friends of the friendless, seize the day, raise up the torch and light the way, raise up the torch and light the way, proud and defiant, we'll slay the giant, let us seize the day, neighbor to neighbor, father to son, one for all and all for one” Race took out his harmonica and played it as Jack and Davey split up the group of newsies and had a dance off. “Open the gates and seize the day, open the gates and seize the day, don't be afraid and don't delay, don't be afraid and don't delay, nothing can break us, no one can make us give our rights away, neighbor to neighbor, father to son, one for all and all for one” we all hear a bell ring in the distance. “anybody hear dat?” Jack asked." NO” we all yelled." so, what are goin ya do about it?” all of us jumped up and started running," soak’em” we barged in the the gates and crowded around the scabbers trying to sell papes. Some of the scabbers dropped their papes and joined us but one of them was being a little stubborn. He stepped up in from of jack and took his hat off." you’s a newsie or what?” I asked. He tried to push his way past us but we a wouldn't let him through. Jack smacked this scabs papes out of his hands causing the scab to try and tackle him. Chaos erupted through the the distribution. People were fighting or destroying papes. Tori and I's were fighting scabbers when on of them gave Tori a real good punch in the face causing her to yell out in pain. I’s went after the scab that did punched her and gave him a good shiner before he knocked me out. Tori tried to protect me but was getting more beaten up. Kid saw this and ran up to the scabber an punched him in the face. I's woke up to the sounds of whistles blowing, “C’mon angel help us out.” Tori said as she and Kid each grabbed one of my arms and dragged me out while I's attempted to walk. “Crutchie! Scram!" I's heard Race yell behind me. We eventually made it back to the lodging house and I's was able to walk by myself. Tori put me down on my bed." She don't look to good huh?”Kid said. Tori sighed," yeah. Can you’s go get Race for me he's gonna be worried sick if he doesn't know about her gettin hoit.” Kid nodded and took off to go get Race." I’s fine Tori honest.” she sigh again," you’s got several cuts on you’s face and are bruises all over.” she stated as she went to the bathroom to get me a cold wash rag. She came back and dabbed my cuts. I’s laugh," who's actin like the ma now?” just then we heard the sound of feet running up the stairs outside. Race slammed the door open, breathing heavily and made his way to us with Kid behind him. “Angel, you’s need ta be more careful. You's knows you’s like a sista ta me.” Race mumbled as he hugged me." Race, i’s fine really.” Race let go and looked at me with wide eyes as if he just realized something," I’s got ta tell Spot. If what Jack says is true and he fancies you then he'll join us for sure.” I's covered my face with my hands trying to hide my blush." Race no, it won't make a difference if Spot knows.” Race smirk," If I’s knows Spot, and I’s do, Sis’, then he'll want to know about dis.” and with that Race ran out the door. Tori and Kid laughed at my red face, “oh shut it.”

The Goils from 'Hattanजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें