Chapter 6

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The next day we headed to Brooklyn. The day before Tori had decided that we needed to look extra nice to see the Brooklyn boys so we both took baths and washed our clothes. Tori even had put on some perfume that she got from Medda’s a while back. Jack, Dave, Boots, Tori and I's were all nervous to meet dem. Boots ran up ahead of us and leaned over the railing of the bridge. “I've never been to Brooklyn, have you?” Dave asked Jack, Tori and I's. “No but I’s sell at that little bakery we passed on the way here so I’s have always wanted to know what it was like on the other side of dis bridge.” we's caught up to Boots still leaning over the railing, “I’s spent a month there one night” Tori grabbed my arm and pulled me back a little farther behind the boys so they wouldn't hear what she's was going to say. “We’s might see da new newsie I saw at Medda’s the other night.” she said concerned. “Hey, maybe he’ll be handsome.” she still looked at me with concern. "Maybe handsome enough to make Kid jealous.” I said as I playfully pushed her, she laughs, "Yeah maybe-” all 3 of the boys leaned over the side and yelled down at the river flowing under us. “So is this Spot Conlon really dangerous?" Davey asked Jack and Boot who both laughed. After a bit of walking we found the docks of Brooklyn near where the lodging house was. Jack forced Tori and I's to be in the middle of dem so they could ‘protect’ us. We slowly made our way down the dock closer and closer to the house like structure. Newsies were swimmin and divin into the river under the docks having fun and messin around in the summer heat. Several of the Brooklyn boys whistled and cat-called Tori and I causing both of our faces to go bright red. Several "sweethearts” and "dolls” were yelled our way. Jack grabbed both Tori and I’s wrists to make sure we were safely behind him. One Brooklyn boy climbed out of the water and stopped right in front of Jack causing all of us to stop walking. Tori and I's peaked our heads around Jack to get a good look at the newsie. Tori was right, these Brooklyn boys were pretty attractive. This one was very handsome with his wet brown hair and mischievous brown eyes and his smirk. "Goin’ somewhere Kelly?” he asked then glanced at us peakin our heads around Jack and winked at us. He stepped aside lettin us pass, sizing up each of us as we passed especially us girls. “Well if it ain't Jack-be-nimble-Jack-be-quick” the voice came from above us. We all looked up to see a short boy about my age with dark sandy blond hair and piercing steel blue eyes. I’s couldn't look away from his eyes. They were the most beautiful thing I's had ever seen. “So, you’s moved up in the world, Spot. Got a river view and everything.” Jack said finally letting go of Tori and I's,  walking up to Spot as he climbed down from the crates. Jack and Spot spit into their hands and shook. “Hey Boots, how's it rollin” Spot said. “Here, I’s gotta couple of real good shooters for ya.” Boots said as he gave Spot some marbles. Spot grabbed a couple and finally made eye contact with me. “So, who’s ya got here Jackie boi?" Spot stuck his hand out to Tori for her to shake. She took his hand, "I’s Victoria Taylor but, everybody just calls me Tori.” Spot squinted his eyes at her as if trying to remember something but shrugged it off and moved on the me. Spot looks me up and down causing me to go bright red and become a little uncomfortable with the new attention. Spot took my hand and kissed my knuckles, “And what's your name, Doll?" He asked with a smirk. “A-avangelina Barnes but e-everyone calls me Angel” I's stuttered. Spot smirked again, "Fitting name for a pretty goil,” my face heats up even more. Jack cleared his throat catchin Spot’s attention once again. Spot loaded a marble in his sling shot and pulled it back, “So, uh, Jackie boi, I’s been hearing things from little boids, things from Harlem, Queens-” Spot released his sling shot and hit a glass bottle just above us. “All ova. They’s chirpin’s in my ear. Sayin Jackie boi’s newsies playin like they’s going on strike.” Spot stood in between Tori and I's leaning on a support beam. “Yeah, well we aren't playin.” Dave said. “Oh yeah, yeah, what is this Jackie boi? Some kinda walkin mouth.” Spot said getting up in Davey’s face. I's still haven't been able to take my eyes off of Spot. While Davey explained the strike to Spot; Tori grabs my arm and pulls me off to the side away from everyone else but, still within eyesight. “What? What's up, Tori?" I's ask concerned. “It was Spot!" she whisper yelled at me while pacing back and forth. “What are you’s talking about?" she stopped and grabbed my shoulder. “The other night while I’s was performing at Medda’s I’s told you I’s saw a newsies that I’s never saw before.” “It was Spot I’s sure of it.” she let go of me and started pacing again. “So’s?” she rolled her eyes and face palmed, “So’s he's can let my secret out if he realizes it was me at Medda's.” Tori starts to panic, "Hey, hey, I’s won't let that happen. I’s’ll talk to 'im and make sure he’s don't tell nobody.” she laughs, "What? I's asked wantin to know what's so funny. "You's’ll be a stutterin mess. Angel, I’s love ya but you’s got it bad for dat boi.” I blushed, "I’s do not.” I say crossin my arms lookin away from her towards the water. "Sure, you’s can believe whatever you’s want sista but I's just sayin you’s got it bad.” Just then Jack called out to us. "Angel, Tori, we’s leavin.” Tori and I's looked at each other because we could both hear the irritation in his voice. We followed Jack back over the docks of Brooklyn, boys parting the way smirkin at us as we pass em. As we walked farther we hear someone yell "See ya Doll.” it was Spot callin out  from behind us. “Let's go.” Jack said once again grabbing Tori and I’s wrists pullin us practically all da way home.

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