Chapter One

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This whole story will be in Percy POV unless it says other wise. Thanks!

"A-Annabeth?" I said as i felt my heart break in two. Annabeth was siting there with my half-brother Logan on the beach, kissing. "Percy, I swear, this isnt what it looks-" She tried to reason. "No! I thought you loved me! I was gonna propose to you!" I said, throwing the ring that I made Hephaestus make for her. It had a green trident in the middle, with a pair of grey wings, the color of Annabeth's eyes, on the outside.

"Annabeth, Let's go. You love me more than him, don't you?" Logan said. "Yeah, I never knew why I loved him," She said like she was under a trance. He steered her away from me. Logan has made my life miserable ever since he arrived 1 year ago. He spread lies about me. He said that I stole Thalia's bow, Chiron's Music set, Jason's sword, and a whole bunch of other things I have never done. He turned my entire freinds against me, and the whole camp hates me. Even worse, the night two days ago, I saw my dad and freinds raising Logan on their shoulders, saying he was the best hero in the world, even more than me. 

"Logan, you are my favorite son. I do not beleive that Percy was a great hero. YOU are the greatest hero of our generation." My dad Poseidon said. I just stared in shock. "DID I NOT SAVE THE WORLD TWICE! DID I NOT SAVE ALL OF YOU A MILLION TIMES! WHAT HAS LOGAN DONE! HUH! TELL ME!" I yelled at all of them. They all just stared at me until Logan spoke up. "I have saved everyone, Percy. I have convinced the gods to give all of us immortality. I have saved the whole camp from death, or dying merciessly. What have you done? Made yourself popular for doing things you have never done!" Logan said.

That night, I walked down to the campfire only to see Logan on one knee, proposing to Annabeth with the ring that I made Hephasteus make. I walked in silently.  "Annabeth? How could you! I loved you! you loved me! Why?" I thought in my head. "Yes!" Annabeth said, making the crowd cheer in response. I tore away from the crowd, running to my cabin. There, I wrote a note to the camp.

To Annabeth,

I loved you. Loved. I do not know what to think of you now. I fell into Tartarus with you, worried about you the entire time, and to repay me, you get engaded to my brother as if I never existed. I hope you have a happy life with Logan.

The one you loved first, Percy

To Logan, 

Why did you do this to me, I never did anything to you? I just sat there, doing nothing. You decided to make the camp betray me, the one I love, leave me, and take her as your prize. I hope you rot in Tartarus.

Percy Jackson.

I set both of those on my bed, with Riptide. I said to it in Greek, "Do Not Return" I walked out with my bag, watching the dining pavilion. I saw people lifting Logan and Annabeth on their shoulders. I saw a banner saying, "Congratulations, Annabeth + Logan!" I walked to the border, placed my hand on Thalia's tree, and walked off. As I walked down the road towards Manhattan, A man with a starry blue cloak appeared infront of me. "Percy Jackson. I am Lord Chaos. I would like for you to join my army as my commander." I accepted immdeiately. "Anything to get away from this wrectched place." I said. He looked at me with sad eyes. "Grab my hand, and I will take you to your new home." I did, and I was greeted by a face i hadn't seen in a while.

"Zoe?" "Hello, Percy"

Percy Jackson: Betrayed and Abandoned. (Chaos' Army)Where stories live. Discover now