Sudden Science Experiment

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Thank you to CosmicNovaFlare for the submission! (Also, thank you for putting up with my procrastination as I write and just being annoying in general.) This contains spoilers for the entire series because I'm addicted to post Stars Above fanfictions.

"But will it stick?" Thorne asked, looking around the room. "I read a book about it once in school."

"Thorne, none of us are going to lick a metal pole. It's a myth. That is the most stupid idea that's ever come out of your mouth, and that's saying something," Cinder replied.

The entire Rampion Crew was in Canada for Winter and Jacin's wedding, and they were simply catching up aboard the Rampion when somehow the topic of licking a metal pole to see if it would stick had come up. Jacin had proposed to Winter at Cinder and Kai's wedding, to continue the tradition. Of course, Thorne had been an idiot when everyone had arrived and now he wanted to have someone lick a metal pole. For science, he had said.

"I need to know! Cress, would you try it?"

Cress shot him a glare. "No! I love you, but I'm not doing that! I saw a net drama once and they had to pour steaming water to get the kid's tongue off!"

"Then I'll do it!" He yelled, running to the door of the Rampion. He passed the door and had to turn back to find it.

Collectively, the crew started yelling after him about putting on a coat, that's its better for him to test it anyway, and "stars above, what are you thinking?"

By the time they all had on boots and coats and were out in the freezing cold, Thorne had already found a metal pole. They had made it out just in time to see him lick it, and sure enough...

"Serves him right," Scarlet said, as soon as they realized that Thorne could not move. "His idea to bring it up."

"This is actually the most stupid thing you've ever done in your life, minus the soap rebellion," Cinder retorted, looking right at Thorne.

I am going to die, Thorne thought. This is the least heroic way to go. I am Captain Carswell Thorne, who helped overthrow an evil queen and reinstate the rightful heir. Oh no! I haven't made a will yet! Cress needs to get the Rampion and I'll obviously be buried with my leather jacket-

Thorne's train of thought was abruptly cut off by the sound of cameras flashing. A variety of oh no's could be heard from the crew, as paparazzi snapped as many shots as they could get in before everyone ran back into the house. The only one who didn't was Iko, who promptly posed for the camera. She had practiced more times than she cared to admit.

About three seconds later, everyone came running out of the house with Cress holding a bucket of hot water.

"BRACE YOURSELF," she yelled, and poured the water over Thorne.

Thorne had no idea what was happening and shrieked once his tongue was no longer stuck to a metal pole, to which everyone promptly laughed.

"My tug is fwozen," he muttered, unable to properly speak.

The crew hauled him back inside and decided that science experiments just weren't for them, except Jacin, anyways.

A/N: (Wow, it's been a while since I've written one of these!) Hi everyone, I hope you enjoyed the first TLC oneshot on my profile! It's not my best work considering its been some time since I last wrote any fiction, so don't judge too much lol. Also, sorry about how short this was. Thanks for reading, Love you all!

- Lauren <3

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