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"I'm going to change in the bathroom. Stay here."

Oh god. I am so screwed.

I am so fired.

Good job Annie! It only took you two months to get fired. I watched the mysterious man disappear through the bathroom door to the left. I was so nervous that when he closed it, I jumped. My heart was racing at one hundred miles and hour and my face was still hot. In that moment I made an instant decision.

I ran.

I grabbed my maids cart and quickly pushed it the hell out of there. I didn't want to face the mysterious man when he came out of the bathroom. I was mortified. I was completely embarrassed.

I was fired.

Oh great!

As I ran out of the suite, I didn't even bother shutting the door. When I was finally safe back in the main hall I stopped to catch my breath. I thought back to that man. He was so handsome and... terrifying. Completely terrifying. His dark eyes bore into my soul but his body and his...

No! Don't go there! I need to forget about him. He was going to fire me anyway. It didn't matter if he looked incredibly hot.

Because he did.

I looked around again and took my phone out of my apron.


I was shaking so much that my fingers fumbled with the buttons and I had to retype my text a few times. Almost immediately, Mari texted back.


I tried to find the right way to describe what just happened and realized it wasn't a conversation to have in text.

Me: Meet me in the staff room. Now.

I put my phone away and practically ran through the castle to the staff room. I didn't want to run into Mr. Shower again and I was sure that by now he was looking for me. I didn't want to see his face again. I just wanted the termination notice to show up in the mail like a normal situation or maybe be told by my employer.

When I got there Mari practically jumped down my throat. She was nervously playing with her red hair and her green eyes were filled with concern and curiosity. "Annie! Oh my god. You ok, yes? What is the problem?" Her Verilian accent was sharp.

I sighed. "No! I'm freaking out! I just walked in on a really hot almost naked guy in the West Wing and now I'm going crazy because I'm obviously going to be fired but I need this job because... what?" I was rambling, but I stopped when I saw the look of absolute horror and shock on Mari's face. "I know, I know. I'm fired."


"What? Of course I am."

She grabbed my shoulders and looked me in the eyes. "Annie! No!"

"Mari? What? Tell me?" Now I demanded to know why she was freaking out.

"Annie! Do you know who is staying in the West Wing?" Her stare was intense and she was dead serious. Now I felt like I had done something wrong.

"Oh I don't know, some stuck up noble? What does it even matter? I'm fired anyway!"

"Prince Daniel is staying in the West Wing!" She shook my shoulders. "Annie! Oh my god! He's so hot! You saw everything, yes?" Mari was clearly excited. Prince Daniel was gorgeous and he was a celebrity in Verilia. He was also a player and a scandal in itself, Mari explained to me once. I didn't know much about the guy, but what I was told was that he slept with one hundred women and supposedly beat his ex girlfriend. It was never proven or taken to court, but there were rumors. He was hot shit and he knew it.

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