Chapter 20♡The scars♡

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POV Damien
"Stay here " I said walking to the door, she stood there stunded, I locked the door and turned to her

" Shirt off now"

"What no" she said looking at me like I never seen her before

"you take it off or I will" I was getting more and more annoyed by the second she crossed her arms and gave me a dirty look, I was nice about I waited for a minute but then I realized there was no sense in waiting for her....

POV Nicole
I couldn't believe what he said I knew why he said it but... I wasn't going to let him see the bruise Michael left on me after the meeting yesterday, plus he would see my scars I could bring myself to tell him where I got them from, I looked down and my feet like they were the most interestingthing I had seen today, I heard him move towards me and I looked up by the time I had he was right in front of me and his arms were around my waist

"Dami-" I was cut off by him assaulting my lips, I moved my hands to his hair, we pulled away from each other , he was fast I'll give him that, he grabbed the bottom of my hoodie and had it off before I could react

"HEY" I yelled but the damage was already done

POV Damien
I saw all the scars on her body and the bruise on her arm where I grabbed her, I could tell it wasn't from me

"where did you get all those scars" I saw her face go from I would let you take me here and now to Just let me die now

"Nicole I want to make sure this never happens to you ever again" I said playing with her hair....

POV Nicole
Now he knows two things I didn't want him to know about great and I have to explained this now FUCK

"Nicole I want to make sure this never happens to you ever again" he said playing with my hair, I started to cry I could hold the tears back any more

"you don't have to tell me today but we will have to talk about this later" he said picking me up by the belt loops god I hate when he does that , I wrapped my legs around his waist and whispered

"T-thank you"

"don't thank me I didn't do anything " he said moving out of the room , I had calmed down to the point I could talk with out sounding like a child

" your forgetting somthing" I said with a faint smile, he looked down at my chest, I lightly hit him , he chucked and went a grabbed my hoodie

"Hold on is this my hoodie from the apartment " he said looking at me, I couldnt help but laugh, it was his but I kept it it made me feel safe wearing it

"well then I guess you don't be mad at me then" he said leaving the room his hoodie was throw over his shoulder and I was around his waist

" what do you mean" I asked puzzled

"you'll see " he said setting me on the bed in his room, he walked over to his closet and opened the doors and grabbed a black woman's tank

"Holy shit, you don't know how long I've been looking for that" I said trying to hold back my laugher

"well you found it" he said walking  towards me, he looked at me with a look I could rember from the night at his apartment

"Damien you look like you want somthing" I said in the most sexual way I could......

POV Damien
She was teasing me I could tell but two can play that game, when I got to her I push her down on the bed and got on top of her

"I already have what I want" I said against her neck as I started to kiss it when I got to her sweet spot I bit it a little just to play with her I heard her let out a soft moan and I moved further down her body I kissed down her chest then I kissed down her stomach and got to her pants and ripped them off leaving her in her bra and under wear, I kissed down to where her under wear sat I could tell she would be pissed if I left her right then and there by the fact that she was out of breath, so I did just that I stood up and left

"I'll see you later love" when I opened the door Blaine was standing right outside the door and he was stunded by what he had saw I opened the door all the way to not know he was there, I instantly pushed him back and closed the door after stepping out

"well I hate to ruin your fun but we have a big problem " he said looking serious

"lets go to my office then" we had sat down in the office and closed the door, this had to be important he was never serious

"It's about Nicole " he said looking me dead in the eyes

"what the problem with Nicole " I asked worried for what was about to be said

" I recognized her last name so I did research on her last name and she the girl that got locked up two years ago for almost offing herself " he said grabbing his bag

"look at this girl and tell me she doesn't look familiar to you" he said putting a picture of a girl who looked a lot like Nicole

" Where did you get that" I heard, I looked up to see Nicole, she looked terrified

"Nicole you weren't ment- " She cut him off she was pissed

"WHERE THE FUCK DID YOU FIND THOSE" she yelled ready to kill him

"I have a friend that owed me some favors"

she left the room and slammed the door behind her id never seen her so pissed

"I think it's best if you leave, oh and I'll be work from home for a little while " I said standing up

"ok, listen tell her I'm sorry" he said before walking down the stairs

" I will " I said opening the bedroom door, she was in a pair of black pj shorts and her black tank out of my closet , she was crying on my bed

"Hey love I'm sorry tha-" I didn't even get finished and she had her arms around me and she was crying into my shirt

"Damien" she said after calming down

"yes Nicole" I said looking her in the eyes

"I love you " the moment those words left her mouth I felt my heart skip a beat.......

POV Nicole
I just said it I told him that I loved him and now he standing there like I just told him to hit me right there, I looked away and felt my heart break.. we stood there in silence for a minute

"you don't know how long I waited to hear you say that " he said which made me look at him out of shock

"I love you too" he said capturing my lips with his God he taste so good did I really just think that, we pulled away

"Nicole what I'm about to say you might slap me for but just hear me out ok"

"ok" what did he mean by that

" Nicole ever since we first ment I never wanted you to be my girlfriend-" I cut him off by slapping him pretty hard, it left a red mark

"I saw that coming, can I finish now" he said rubbing the side of his face

"Do you really want too" I said glaring at him

"yes" he said putting his hands on my ass

"fine" I said pissed I can't believe he just said that

" I never wanted you to be my girlfriend because I wanted you to be my wife, I want to speed the rest of my life with you.... but only if you let me" he said looking me in the eyes with those beatful blue eyes........

I Feel AloneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora