Chapter 3♡Why♡

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Nicole pov

It's been about 5 months now, and I'm slowly getting used to being around damon pretty much 24/7, but he's actually enjoyable to hang out with but it's like when your mom is friends with someone else's mom and your forced to be friends. Im kidding he like my best friend if you wanted to fuck your best friend and couldnt leave there side But hey, it's not all that bad

"Hey damon, you wanna sit and watch movies tonight?" I called down the hall towards his bedroom

"Sure, I'll be right out just getting changed," he called back, so I grabbed the remote and started flipping through netflix until I saw white chicks

"I found the movie," I called out as i clicked the title

"No, not again," Damon said, coming down the hall

"To bad my house, my say," I said, laughing at him and sticking my tongue out at him playfully

"Oh yeah, well, I'm a lot bigger and faster than you," he said, giving me a smirk

"Oh yeah, and what dose that have to do with anything?" I said

"Give me the romote, Nicole," he said sternly as he made his way towards her, stretching his hand out, crossing my arm. I tucked the remote safely between my side and the arm rest on the couch

"I said no," I said, giving him a smug look

"Okay, well then, you're really not giving me any choice," He said as he looked down at me,

"What do you me-". She didn't finish her question as Dean tackled her, trying to reach behind her and grab the remote. Not letting the surprise make her lose, she quickly pulled her arm out and lay down on the couch, trying to get it out of Dean's reach. "Dean!" She gasped as he lay on top of her, reaching out for the remote in her hand.

"Damon, get off, you're heavy," I said, trying to get him off of me

"Give me the remote," he replied, still trying to get the remote

"Let's try to compromise." I managed to get out between trying to wriggle out from underneath him. I wasn't opposed to being this close to him, I had actually been very attracted to him from the day they met, but he really was too heavy to be lying on top of me even if it was jokingly

"No compromises, sweetheart, that remote is mine." He pushed himself farther up my body to reach my hand, but in the process, ended up leaning his other hand directly on my throat, immediately cutting off my airway. I tried to slap his hand with my free hand, unable to speak, but he was too focused on the remote. I tried kicking him, but my legs were pinned under his. I quickly gave in and brought the remote down to him, which he happily grabbed and looked down at me with a smug look, only for it to be wiped off his face immediately when he realised where he was putting pressure. "Shit, shit Nicole, I'm sorry. Are you ok? Did i hurt you? " He quickly got off her. Once i could breathe again, my breath came out like a moan, and she froze. I could feel my cheeks heating up. Did I just do that. Sure, I had felt butterflies before when he'd winked at me, or brushed his fingers against mine, or when i'd seen him without a shirt on atfer a shower. This was more than butterflies. She could feel the heat pooling between my legs. Fuck. My heart was racing, and I was definitely turned on. Luckily, he didn't seem to hear the moan, or if he had he ignored it, and helped me to sit back up and knelt in front of me. He pushed my hair behind my shoulders as I tried steady my breathing as he examined my neck. His gentle touch on my neck and collar bone it definitely wasnt not helping my situation, each brush sending goosebumps down my spine.

"It's fine Damon, it was only a couple of seconds" I said trying to ease his worries not to mention all I wanted to do is forget that jsut happened and just go to my room, but Damon was focused on my neck, his fingers continuing to trace gently around it looking for any marks.

"I promise you i didn't know i promise i would never hurt you, at least not intentionally, right?" His eyes finally looked up from my neck to meet mine. His face was flooded with concern, but all i could focus on was the fact that his hand was still resting on her neck, his thumb lightly gliding up and down. I suppose it would be comforting if it wasn't turning me on so much, i was trying not to squirm in my seat, desperate for some friction but trying not to let Damon see the effect he was having on me. They had flirted, teased each other, but they'd never acted on anything. He was my friend and my bodyguard, and i wasn't willing to take any chances and ruin their relationship or risk having to find some new when i liked having damon around so much. I cleared my throat and stood up, and Damon's hand fell to his side as he stood back up to give me some space.

"Yeah, I know it was an accident, don't worry about it." I smiled at him.

"I'm uh, I'm actually pretty tired. It's been a long few weeks. I'm gonna go to bed, I'll see you tomorrow? I'm looking forward to going to the famliy dinner with you tomorrow" he said walking to his room

"Yeah me too, goodnight Damon" I said walking to my room

"Goodnight Nicole" he said sending a shiver down my back as I closed my bedroom door i laid down on on bed and groaned, I was sure Damon had heard me, had probably seen me blush too, and now things were most likely going to be awkward between them for awhile. Why on earth did i react like that? I never even considered choking as being something that would turn her on. She'd never fantasised about it, she always associated it with being choked by bad people. But there was something about Damon, Damon's hands, his fingers. They were warm, capable, experienced. They were rough, and strong, but soft and gentle at the same time. I brought her hand up to my neck and lightly stroked it, feeling the traces of his fingers. I imagined how it would feel if I was anticipating it, if I knew it was going to happen, if I could let I mind enjoy it just as much as my body wanted it. I wrapped my fingers around my neck, not applying any pressure, just holding it, and my other hand crept under the waistband of my shorts, resting on top of my underwear.

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