Chapter 6♡kisses♡

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POV Damon

She... she just kissed me, I didn't know what to think, i liked her but i cant her brother would have my head if he ever found out. I went upstairs and watched her sleep, I KNOW I KNOW it sounds creepy, but she was so peaceful and.... perfect in every way, she had the most beautiful green eyes, the sweetest voice and her hair was so soft it felt like silk. God stop thinking like that. There's no way she could ever love someone like me, I heard her say something, so I went over to her and sat on the side of the bed

"D-Damon" she mumbled

"What?" I thought to myself, confused

"Da-Damon," she mumbled again, I almost had a heart attack, and she said my name, I got up and went back to the chair I was sitting in before. It was about midnight when I saw her sit up. I didn't move. I just sat there. She got up and walked over to me and pushed  me lightly

"Damon, are you up?" she whispered to me

"Yeah, do you need something?" I asked

"Yes, I-I know this is weird, but.... I'm really hungry. Can you take me out to get icecream please " she said, looking at me with a big grin

"Yeah, do you want to change first?" I said, getting up

"No, I just want to go," she said, walking to the door, I followed and walked out to the car we went to and the ice cream place just down the road.....

POV Nicole
We had just got back. I had strawberry ice cream... he got chocolate it looked soooooo good. I went and sat on the couch and started to eat my icecream, when I finished my ice cream, Damon was already done

"Here you got some ice cream on your face," he said, leaning over and...... he licked his finger and wiped it off

"What are you, my mom?" we both laughed,

"You know about the other day..." He started to try to apologize for the 1000000 time

"Damon, stop you. You didn't mean to hurt me

POV Nicole (Dreams)
I woke up next to Damon ,he was in my bed

"W-What are you d-doing in m-my bed " I asked, he opened his eyes and kissed me I wasn't really sure about it at first but then my brain was just not working and I let in, i wrapped my arms around his neck and he sat up and put me in his lap, he finally let me breathe

"D-Damon, what was -" I was cut off by the dream end and having my phone go off....

POV Nicole
"OH FOR FUCK SAKES" I yelled at the top of my lungs, I grabbed my phone pissed off at the fact that it was all just a dream

"WHAT" I snapped at the phone

"I'm sorry to wake you but we have to let you go Miss I'm sorry" the man on the other side said before hanging up

"FOR ONCE IN MY LIFE CAN I GET A FUCKING BREAK " I yelled as the door opened and Damon walked in

"I've never heard you swear like that before " he said leaning up against the door frame

"sorry it just not been a good morning " I said a little ashamed, he walked over

"I wanted to know if.... you ment what you did last night before bed " he asked looking away from me...

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