54-Hard to let go

Start from the beginning

He got to the pictures and scrolled through the deer picture then a pink flown ballet outfit from the same year, next year a red glittery diva outfit and a little tux, and the year after that she was a little monkey tail and all then a stiff white ballet tutu outfit

Alexis looked at Angel "that's so cute"

Angel had her arms crossed "it's so embarrassing I never even danced in time with everyone else" she whined

Harry laughed and nodded "she was always faster or slower than everyone else but it was because you were nervous sweetie" he put his phone in his pocket "you're still my little girl I don't care"

Angel stomped "I'm so not a little girl"

He cocked an eyebrow "no? I wonder if you're still ticklish"

She went wide eyed "you wouldn't"

He smirked "believe me I would"

"But Ms.Alexis is here no fair" she pointed to Alexis wanting Alexis to save her

Alexis threw up her hands "ah ah ah I'm not in this" Harry ran at Angel she screamed and ran

"DADDD NOO NOOOO STOP" she screamed giggling

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They walked into the room everyone was tired, sweaty, and ready to relax

"I'm gunna shower and come back down for my face mask" Angel yawned taking off her shoes

"Yeah I'm gunna shower too" Alexis nodded taking her shoes off as well

Angel went up and Harry grabbed her hips "lets shower together" he kissed her shoulder stepping around her so they were face to face he was looking down at her

"Okay" she smiled and she lead them into the bedroom and into the bathroom Alexis took off her tank top and shorts Harry took off his tank top and peeled off his black skinny jeans

"I still can't believe you wore skinny jeans to go hiking" Alexis commented taking off her bra he just laughed and pulled off his boxers stepping into the standing shower starting the water she took off her underwear and felt the water "mmm that's perfect"

"Come in" he pulled her in completely closing the glass door behind her

He wrapped his arm around her and kissed her neck "I think we should play around just a little" he mumbled in her ear

"Yeah?" She bit her lip "I dunno what about Angel?" she teased

"She's upstairs and in the shower I mean come on darling I hope you didn't think that just because she's here that I couldn't get my intimate time with you" he chuckled softly

"Mm well if you say so daddy" she cooed he pinched her bum making her bite her lip he turned her around to face him and pushed her against the cool tile wall taking her all in her caramel skin glistening with water her perfect perky swells were the most impressive and breath taking her baby girl necklace around her neck also drew more attention the already eye catching area

He stared at her for a moment he was still thinking about something from earlier "Alexis..." he didn't really know how to put this into words "thank you for earlier you- you really wanted Angel and I to have a good time but...l" he paused thinking "I don't want you to think that it's just me and her I invited you too so I want you to be included"

She wrapped her arms around his neck "you guys were just talking and being goofy I didn't wanna interrupt"

"Exactly I don't want you to feel like you're interrupting" he rubbed her cheek "I appreciate what you do you let us talk I know you know I'm selfish but this trip is to show you I love you and I'm capable of letting you be with us kinda like... a-" he hesitated to say it he closed his eyes and sighed

"Like a family?" She whispered he nodded

"Sorry I'm sorry I just..." he shook his head "I didn't mean that I don't mean to trail off like that" he opened his eyes again and combed his hair back out of his face

"It's hard for you I understand" she shrugged "I already told you I'm giving you time I know it's hard for you to let go" she bit her lip "I feel like you used that contract like a coping mechanism for so long when things don't fit those guideline anymore you kinda freak out but you don't need to Harry I won't hurt you or her" she smiled

He nodded and kissed her deeply "I know" he murmured against her lips "but I'm still scared to let go"

"And you don't have to be"

He picked up her thigh hooking it around his waist "I love you"

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