Very important announcement

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unpublishing chapter to give way for the revised version of the story titled "Project Pegasus" (links in the comment section). Yes, this story actually has a revised version and I don't plan to update this anymore. all updates will go to "Project Pegasus" :)

is there a difference  (storywise) among the two you might ask. well, the answer is a big yes. For one Hiiro's story, his past and motivation changed a lot as well as Emily's. so yeah. Please read Project Pegasus if you like "An airplane crashed into me so I've been reincarnated as a skeleton" since the main plot is still similar.

Also, thank you for supporting my novel. :)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2019 ⏰

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An Airplane Crashed into Me So I've Been Reincarnated as a SkeletonWhere stories live. Discover now