Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


The methods of communication used by phoenix are similar to legimency, but not. While an expert legimens can read one's thoughts and memories by going through their mental barriers and causing them mental stress in the process, a phoenix can only hear the thoughts of others when there's a physical contact and they're the ones who broadcast to them to him. Phoenixes can also communicate with others by broadcasting their own thoughts but as they're not humans, they don't talk. Instead, they give ideas, impressions, memories—abstract concepts.

Harry can talk because it doesn't matter how long he stays in the form of a phoenix, he'll always be a human and think like one. That being said, he can only use English and French, both languages he knows, so maybe he's lucky he's mastered how to communicate like a phoenix and now can easily project his thoughts.

Using that, he shows the young man how everyone has a feeling to them and his is the strongest he's felt so far. He makes his curiosity known and the memory of himself waiting to see him but that never happening. He tries to convey his worry by picturing cells and human experiments. He finally mentions his plan if only to see his face at his memory of two big birds throwing a dead bear from high in the Sky.

At some point, the young man Harry starts calling Doc because of the lab coat, grabs a notebook and starts writing, but it's clear his attention never leaves Harry so he isn't annoyed. Then he presumably answers but Russian isn't a language he knows. At least he realizes this quickly without Harry having to point it out, but it still doesn't help.

He may have to use the other option and connect their thoughts by touch. He usually would be opposed because he doesn't know him. But now that he's finally meet him, Harry is curious about how his sort of magical core feels up close as he can't get anything aside its electrifying flavor from this distance.

Harry gives him a mental image of him touching his wing and wearing a 'Eureka!' face while Harry radiates smugness as they mentally talk. Doc gives him a weird look but complies and—whoa. He's really warm. It's as if he has a fire inside him, too. A green one, like his hair. It tingles pleasantly on his skin and Harry can feel his own flames reacting. His tail actually shines a bit brighter.

Before the Doc can panic, Harry shakes his head and concentrates in the other's surface thoughts. Or tries to. It's just his luck Doc's thoughts are so fast he can't get a miserable grasp on them.

It reminds him of Hermione's thinking process. Just worse. Much, much worse.

Bloody geniuses.

Oh, what the hell.

'Can you speak English?' he thinks, followed by, 'Tu sais parler le francais?'

He receives a startled expression that doesn't quite erase his amused, knowing look. "I can speak English."

Bloody figures.

Chapter 5


Of course someone knocks the door before they can say anything else.

Doc and Harry exchanges glances before they turn as one to the door where a male voice is speaking some gibberish he doesn't understand. His companion answers with a bored tone and a roll of his eyes, but that doesn't dissuade the person behind the door. If anything he gets more insistent and… eager?

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