Chapter 8

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Somebody picked me up from school, I didn't recognize them but I recognized one of the girls so I just figured it was one of the foster care worker's. I can't tell you exactly what the guy driving looked like either because one of the girls was yelling at me to get in, "We're gonna be late." She was medium height and hispanic, very pretty with these hazelnut eyes and I think her name was Everley. I noticed midway that we weren't going towards anywhere familiar but stayed quite. After a while though, I asked where we were going, that none of this looked fammiliar. Everley butted my head slightly, "Don't worry about it girl, we'll take care of you." I was going to reply but we had parked and the guy jumped out of the car along with a now screaming girl, " I am so excited, were gonna partayyyyyy." She looked at me and said, "Don't thimk for a second your not drinking, we need to be sure your not gonna rat us out." Lookin ahead I realise were at a party. Although a bit worried I was excited. I didn't have friends, much less parties to go to. "Won't we get into trouble?" I asked. "You ask a lot of questions. Just have fun! They all ran off and I was left alone, I went over to grab a drink and I just let myself get a little too drunk so when I was rounding the corner I didn't see the drunk guy almost fall on top of me, spilling his drink halfway down my shirt, I squeezed my eyes tight. Flashbacks of crazy nights that I've never been through flashed inside my mind and I didn't really understand it. I was wearing a light purple shirt which was now see through so I had to find a bathroom, and as I went around the hallway leading upstairs, in one corner there stood Green Eyes. With another girl, smiling.. And I know it shouldnt have, but suddenly I felt this jealous rage surge inside of me and my face turned a light peachy color. I felt it heat up like a hot day at the beach, so when he looked at me it made it so much worse. I felt embarrassed, we weren't a couple! I turned around and started speed walking toward my group. Downstairs I flew as Green Eyes called out to me. I went outside and I looked for Everley but I couldn't find her. I saw a familiar girl but couldn't rememver her name, and I started walking up to her. "Hey," I said "Where's Everley?" The girl looked at me "They left." And then proceeded to make out with the guy standing in front of her. "Where did they go?" Are you gonna take me back?" "Find your own way bitch, I'm not your butler. This is how Newby's get treated cause there ain't nothin' special about you." She started walking away from me but I grabbed her hair and sort of through her back towards me. "I don't care how new I am, you dont know me. You don't know my story and I dont know yours. But you guys tricked me into coming here and now I don't have a ride back??" Surprise ran through her and she slapped me as hard as she could and I flew back. The sting of her hit left a pink mark on my cheek, reminding me of Petunia. "Don't EVER touch me again SLUT, your not better than me, you may have the staff bewitched with your sob story but I'm not fooled."

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