Now it's my turn to sigh. I glance over at Iwaizumi. I don't wanna say anything too upsetting and start crying in front of him. He seems to be ignoring us as he watches the game. He's slouched in his seat, his hands in the pockets of his coat. Good.

"Actually, it kinda got worse last night," I mumble, quietly as I watch the game.

Oikawa moves his arm from resting on the back of my seat to around my shoulders, pulling me closer to him, comfortingly. He doesn't ask me to continue probably for my sake, but I know he wants to know what happened.

I sigh and lean into his warmth. "My second choice school rejected me as well. I only made it into the two more local universities which were just supposed to be my safety schools."

"I know this won't help, but I'm sorry," he says, softly. "I know you worked really hard to try and get in those schools."

"Yeah I did, but I guess my best wasn't good enough," I reply. "It seems we both didn't get what we wanted most. You didn't get to go to Nationals and I didn't get accepted into my schools. We both worked so hard..." I trail off, frustrated tears pricking at my eyes.

"I know," he tells me. "We did our best, but this time, it wasn't enough. All we can do is pick ourselves up and keep striving to do our very best. Also, we may not have gotten what we wanted most, but I know I got who I want most, and I'll be there to support you and help you with anything as long as you're there supporting me as well."

A smile tugs at my lips as I blink back tears. "I like the sound of that," I say.


The game ends with Karasuno defeating Shiratorizawa. I am leaping for joy and cheering for my brother as Oikawa stands up.

"What's wrong?" I ask him.

"Nothing. I'm just leaving," he says in a sing-song voice. "I rather die than see the awards ceremony. Let's go, Iwa-chan!" He starts shoving his teammate to his feet.

"You really are a crappy guy," Iwaizumi mutters to him.

I chuckle at his comment, but Oikawa doesn't seem phased at all.

"I'll head back to Yui then," I state as I stand up as well, following the two boys.

Oikawa keeps pushing his friend until we reach the hallway. We reach the stairs where our paths diverge and Oikawa stops, making Iwaizumi look back at him.

"Can you meet me at the entrance?" Oikawa asks him. "I'll just be a minute."

"Yeah, whatever," Iwaizumi grunts as he heads down the steps and out of sight.

Oikawa then looks at me. "You're not busy Monday, right?" he asks me.

When have I ever been busy on Mondays?

"No, sorry," I tell him with a grin which makes his eyes widen in surprise. "You see, I always hang out with this guy and his little cousin on Mondays. He'd be very upset if I didn't show up."

He seems to relax after that and grins. "Yeah he definitely would be," he say comments, grabbing my arms and pulling me into a hug. "I'll pick you up from school then."

"Thanks for the warning this time," I tease. "You sent some of the girls into to a frenzy on Monday when you showed up. They were pestering me all week about you."

He chuckles as he leans his chin on the top of my head. "Sorry, I can't help that I'm just that good looking."

"I always forget just how inflated your ego is, Tooru," I tell him, pulling away from to look up at him.

He looks down at me, wearing his classic, cheeky grin. "You love it. Don't lie," he teases me.

"Yeah yeah, you dork," I say turning away. "I'll see you Mon-"

I stop as he grabs my arm again. "Asu-chan." Oikawa drags out my name in a lilting voice. "You know, if we are going to be together now, you have to learn how to say goodbye to me properly," he tells me as he pulls me toward him.

"What do you me-"

He cuts me off as he presses his lips to mine, making me gasp a little. I feel those butterflies in my stomach as his soft lips move against my mine, his arms pressing my lower back, pulling me closer to him. I kiss him back and feel him smile as my fingers grasp the collar of his navy coat.

Yes. This feels right. With Tooru, I feel happy even when not everything is going my way. He's always there to let me vent my emotions if I need to or to cheer me up if that's what I need instead. He's not perfect, and he might have a bit of an ego problem, but I'm not perfect either.

I feel him pull away and my eyes flutter open to meet his brown ones behind his glasses. He grins at me. "Now that's more like it," he mumbles, pressing a chaste kiss to my lips again. "I'll see you on Monday, Asu-chan." He gives me one last kiss and then steps away making his way down the stairs.

Uh y-yeah," I stutter out, still feeling dizzy from the kiss. My heart is beating rapidly as I reach up and touch my fingertips to my lips. Oikawa looks back at my flustered state and he smirks.

His smirk then changes to a bright smile. "Bye-bye!" he calls, throwing up a peace sign and disappearing out of sight.

I stand there for a few moments, collecting myself until I head back to where my friends are seated.

"Look who's back!" Mei calls with a grin. "Where'd your prince charming go? We could see how cuddly you guys were across the gym."

My face turns bright red. Of course they could see me. I'm so stupid.

"Took you two long enough," Yui huffs.

"We didn't see you kiss at all though, did you?" Haruka presses as I sit down next to Yui.

I'm silent as I stare at the floor. My teammates squeal with delight and Yui grabs me shaking me. The girls pester me more as the award ceremony happens and I answer them happily, not being able to contain my happiness.

My brother is going to Nationals. I confessed to Tooru, and we kissed.

Today has been a good day.

Even though I didn't get everything that I wanted, and I'm still upset about that, I don't know. Everything at this moment feels so right.

~The End~


So yeah, a cheesy ending to a cheesy story. I hope you enjoyed it cause I enjoyed writing it! I always love developing characters for if I ever wanna write a fanfic. I actually have another character developed if I ever write an Akaashi fanfic. As well as a character for Chuuya in Bungou Stray Dogs, Jean and Levi in Attack on Titan, Todoroki from My Hero Academia  and even some non anime characters like Draco Malfoy, Newt from the Maze Runner, and Liam and Theo from Teen Wolf.

Yes I know. I'm trash. I hate me too.

Anyways, I'm glad you read this far so thank you!

Until next story,


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