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When Iwaizumi hops over the seats again and sits down on Oikawa's other side, I can tell that he notices mine and Oikawa's intertwined hands. He doesn't comment on it though. As the game continues, we discuss the game and the strategies that we are witnessing in it. Seeing Oikawa and Iwaizumi interact is actually interesting. They seem like such opposites, but they are more like two sides of the same coin. They can tell what each other are thinking and share such similarities in the way they talk to each other, but their personalities are so different. It kinda reminds me of how Asahi and I are. I guess that's what happens when you grow up with someone.

During one part of the game, Oikawa leans his head on my shoulder as he talks about Tsukishima to Iwaizumi. I freeze up, my face flushing for the hundredth time today.

How can he be so casual about this when I'm a blubbering mess?
I soon calm down and relax and rest my head against his, his soft hair tickling my cheek making me smile. He shifts and I feel his lips brush against my jawline, making me tense up again. I feel him smirk against my neck. He knows exactly what he's doing to me. That little shit.

Luckily Iwaizumi comes to my rescue. "Oikawa, I know you get clingy when you're depressed, and I can tell you two are in some way together now, but I am right here," he states in a monotone voice. "Can you not be all over Azumane-san right now? I know she wants to watch her brother's game, and I just don't want to see it."

Out of spite, Oikawa moves even closer to me, making me let out a gasp. "Iwa-chan, does this make you uncomfortable?" Oikawa teases, his hot breath on my neck, making me shiver.

"Tooru-kun..." I warn.

In response, Iwaizumi reaches over and smacks him on the head. I let out a laugh as Oikawa jumps, sitting up in his seat again.

He rubs the back of his head. "Owie, Iwa-chan. Do you hit all your friends?"

"No, only you," he replies.

I let out a soft snort. "Kinky," I can't help but mumble. Oikawa makes a choking noise while Iwaizumi lets out a laugh.

"Okay, I like her," Iwaizumi says while still laughing.

"Well you're not allowed to like her," Oikawa pouts like a child.

"You can be such a baby sometimes, Tooru-kun," I tease him.

"Well you're the one who said that you like everything about me," he retorts, sticking his tongue out at me. "So I guess you'll have to deal with it."

"I guess so," I grin, as I turn my attention back to the game.

As time ticks on, we are nearing the end of the last game. I am completely absorbed into it as I watch my brother and friends play with so much intensity.

"Nice kill, Asahi!" I yell as my brother spikes the ball, gaining another point for Karasuno. I'm almost shaking with nervous energy right now as the scores are neck and neck. It could be anyone's game.

"Asu-chan, I love that your supportive of your brother, but can you not draw attention over here? I don't really want to be seen here. It's embarrassing," Oikawa says. He then frowns and averts his eyes. "I'm sorry, that sounded rude."

"No, I completely understand," I assure him, sitting back down, my eyes still on the court. "When I came back the day after I lost during the last tournament to support the boys when they played you, I felt embarrassed and out of place. Since I lost I felt like I didn't deserve to be there."

Oikawa sighs. "I'm sorry I'm being such a downer," he apologizes. "I know this week hasn't been too great for you either. Speaking of which, are you doing okay?"

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