7. Frost Figures Out The Connection Between The Victims

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It's 2 hours later and the only thing is that victim number seven has been identified as that of Jaqueline Hilbert. The dance teacher everyone loves. Frost is still looking between the older victims cases and looking for a connection. He knows there's always a connection even if they can't find it right away. This team has found connections between victims of old closed cases and whatever case they were working on in the moment before.

Jane is down in the morgue pacing as Maura keeps looking for new evidence. "Jane, sit down! I can't concentrate and you're only stressing the baby, yourself, and me out! I love you to death and I want to find our daughter and her family too, but you have to calm down."

Jane sighs in frustration and sits down on the empty autopsy table. "I'm sorry, Maur. I just don't know what I'll do if we find them too late. Chloe is..." She trailed off.

Maura sighs and walks over to give her wife a sweet, but short kiss. "I know, Hunny. We raised her and she's a wonderful daughter. She has the perfect mix of both of us in her personality. She's strong. We're gonna find them alive. I promise." She said and kissed her wife's forehead.

The door to the autopsy room slams open and Frost burst in. The couple startled, look at him. "What's up, Barry?" Jane asked.

"I finally found a connection to all our victims."

"Well, what is it?!?" The senior detective asked eagerly as she got off the table to stand up.

"Each one was a dancer at Isles Dance Studio. Except our last one. Jaqueline Hilbert. She was a dance teacher there for six years." Frost said excitedly.

Jane looked ecstatic. "That's AMAZING, Barry! Now we have more info on the case. Now all we have to do is find who our killer is and the motive." She said and kissed her wife quickly. "Got to go, Babe. We have more detecting to do." Then followed Frost back to the elevator.

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